Not to mention the fact that he definitely burned through plenty last night and this morning. If my stomach is growling, ready for some sustenance after our workout, I can only imagine how ravenous

“I am,” he tells me, setting the book down on my nightstand. “But I hunger more for your cunt than I do meat.”



I guess I’m not the only one who still has sex on the brain.

Screw it. Breakfast can wait.

Instead of grabbing some clothes so that I’m not walking around my kitchen butt-naked, I saunter of to my bed, delighting in his unblinking stare as he watches every single sway of my hip, every bounce of my bare tits.

Sammael’s eyes shine brightly as I approach, fisting the blanket and tossing it away from him.

Holy shit. I thought I milked every drop from him, but his cock is so hard again, it looks like it would poke my eye out if I let it.

Good thing I have a little practice with this.

Climbing onto my bed, I crawl on all fours until I’ve moved my body between his legs. He just about stops breathing, almost as though he can’t believe that I would even think about doing what I’m totally going to do… but he does widen his legs to give me some room to maneuver closer to him.

“Are you sure?” I tease, moving into my new mate. “Because I’m thinking I can do with a little meat myself.”

I don’t know if it’s my last year of celibacy talking, the lingering effects from that mate sickness, or maybe even a honeymoon period between two mates, but despite already getting off once this morning with him, I’m just as ready as he is to do it again.

But, after a quick poke and prod at his essence, I found out that some demonesses in Sombra do honor their mates by worshiping their cock. Not because it will help with any kind of procreation, but because they love their males enough to given them pleasure with their mouths.

Here, it’s just a BJ. To Sammael, sucking him off will show him that I consider him my mate.

And, well, he is, isn’t he?

As I duck my head, dabbing my tongue along the crown of his cock, Sammael digs his claws into my sheets. I hear them tear, the big demon losing enough control from that one, single lick to forget to turn them to shadow. He immediately starts to apologize, but I cut him off by taking the entire bulbous head between my lips.

Sammael strangles his apologize, just like I wanted him to do.

Hollowing my cheeks, sucking him like he’s my favorite flavor of lollipop, I swirl my tongue around the tip before peering up at him through the fringe of my eyelashes. I suck again, then left his slick cock slips free from my mouth for a moment.

“Forget the sheets,” I tell him. “I got ‘em for ten bucks at Target. I can get more. Do whatever makes you feel good, okay? I want you to enjoy this.”

After all, it’s his first time. Our mating might have been a little clumsy, and he didn’t last half as long last night as he did this morning, but that… that charms me. I haven’t been with a virgin guy since I hooked up with Tanner Gordon the fist time when were both sixteen and clueless together, but there’s something… somethingsweetabout sex with my demon.

It’s the affection I see in his face, and the way he strokes my hair as though I’m precious. Thanks to his long arms, he can reach the back of my head without shifting from his position, but he doesn’t guide me back to his cock or try to fuck my mouth. Instead, he pets me, almost like he’s saying ‘thank you’ as I go down on him again.

He’s too big, too thick for me to take more than a few inches of his cock, but that’s enough for him. Adding my hands into the act, fisting him with both of them, using my saliva and his pre-come to stroke him off in turn as I lick and suck and nuzzle the crown, I keep going until Sammael gasps and, with another pained whisper of my name, fills my mouth with spunk that’s so warm, it goes down like salty coffee when I swallow it.

Unexpected, but fuck if that wasn’t one of the sexiest damn things I’ve ever experienced in my life.

And I get to look forward to forever with him?





Ithink I always suspected that forever with my mate would not last very long at all.