I freaking hope so.

But something really weird happens. He keeps pushing, going slowly, but there’s no denying that he’s still fitting more and more of himself inside of me. I don’t get it. It’s been two years since I’ve had sex with anything other than my vibe, and that thing is nowhere as thick as Sammael is. I know a girl can stretch, too, but damn.

I’m panting. I feel full. Stuffed, even. As he pushes, he’s hitting nerve endings I didn’t even know I had… but when he finally bottoms out, I’m staring up at him in wonder.

“I am shadow,” is his explanation before, slowly, slowly, he begins to withdraw.


“Shadow,” he repeats. “I can adjust the size of my cock by turning just that part of my body to shadow. Then, with the edge of it more insubstantial than my solid form, I can fill you perfectly.”

‘Perfectly’ isn’t the word for it.

Now that I’m no longer apprehensive of what he’s packing, I start to move a little with him. Before long, Sammael develops a rhythm of his own, fucking me gently at first before moving faster, rocking his hips quickly. I already figured it would be a race for him to nut inside of me, and I don’t hold it against him.

Honestly, I want to be able to claim him as my mate, too.

Of course, that means I have to give him a little help. Reaching between our bodies, I start rubbing my clit furiously so that, when Sammael finally bucks up into me, roaring his release, I’m right there with him.




All along, I thought of the essence exchange between Sammael and me as some kind of cheat code. Like it’s a download where he plugged everything about himself into me, and I did the same for him.

I’m only twenty-eight and I haven’t lived what you would call an overly exciting life. It’s no surprise that he finds it a lot easier to absorb and digest details about mine. Sammael, I’ve learned, isn’t just a mage. He’s also a solider who spent close to eight centuries—eightcenturies—serving under the ruler of his world.

He’s seen a lot of shit during that time. Done a lot, too. Since I’m the only mate he’ll ever have, my experience in bed seems like the only thing I have on him. Luckily, that doesn’t seem to bother him. He understands that humans don’t have a fated mate like Sombra demons do. We canbeone, and now that I’ve bonded myself to him, he’s going to be it for me forever—the bond finalizing between us will make it that way, plus that little gift of immortality I got when I fucked him—but we both have a past.

It’s just… different ones.

But that’s my point. I’m not even thirty and my new mate is overnine hundred yearsold. To an immortal demon, the years don’t really matter. So long as we’re both ‘mature’, he thinks that we’re of a similar age. Maybe we are, but that doesn’t change the fact that he has thirty times the years I’ve seen—and more than thirty times the experiences I’ve had, either.

He gave me his essence right before he asked me to be his forever mate. It took me a few seconds to process that and use my overall reaction tohimbasically being downloaded into my mind to decide that, if Fate was willing to give me a devoted guy who loved me so much, he found me in another world and followed me into mydreams, she can’t be wrong.

So far, I’m pretty solid on my decision. There’s no take-backs or anything, so it’s a good thing that I wake up the next morning without any regrets so far…

In fact, I feel pretty freaking good. Sammael has me tucked against his naked body, keeping me warm and cozy, his thick black hair mingling with my much shorter bob as I use the strands as a cushion against my pillow.

My hand is sprawled out on his chest. I’d fallen asleep lying there after my last orgasm, too dozed and sated to even get up and clean myself up. I tried, but Sammael nuzzled my neck, his shadowy claws gripping my waist gently as though afraid I was going to leave him once we both finished.

Clinging to me, such love and affection and gratitude rushing down our finalized bond, hitting me in my heart… I couldn’t find it in me to disentangle my body from his. Murmuring my name in his husky voice, I let him talk me into staying right where I was.

I must have shifted in my sleep, though. I’m curled up against him instead of on top of him, one leg thrown over his tree trunk of a thigh.

He’s in his solid, red-skinned form. Fast asleep, his chest rises and falls under my hand as I snuggle closer. I’m awake, though I can’t see any reason why I shouldn’t enjoy this peaceful moment with my demon since I don’t have work today. And that’s just what I’m about to do when the early morning chill hits my exposed back and I scoot a little closer to Sammael, trying to steal as much of his warmth as I can.

We’re both still naked from last night. Sammael must have grabbed my blanket and covered us up with it after I knocked—or I grabbed it in my sleep like I usually do—because it’s pulled up to my tits and that’s about all. I need him to warm me up some more and I keep going until I’m basically wrapped around him like a spider monkey.

And that’s when I realize that, just because his essence allows me to use him like Google, asking a question and getting an answer almost immediately, I don’t justknoweverything. I have to ask the question first—and it never occurred to me to wonder if demons get morning wood.

Welp. I can answer that one now. As I lift my knee, moving my hip so I can get even closer to Sammael, my thigh bumps into the obvious erection he has.

Suddenly more awake than I was before, I glance down. I noticed the blanket before when I woke up sleepily, looking over at my new mate with half-closed eyes, but it isn’t until I blink a few times and stare that I see it’s tented.

And, yeah… even with the blanket covering it, that monstrous cock is even bigger in the dawning sunlight.