“I wish I could give you a ‘kiss’,” I tell her mournfully. “Maybe then you would know how much I care for you.”

I leave all of my ‘kisses’ outside because I have not found a way to carry on inside for my Hope. Because of that, I have none to offer her here on this dream-plane.

She had dropped her gaze to our hands. At my wistful comment, her head snaps up. “Excuse me?”




“A‘kiss’,” I say again, in case she didn’t hear me. “Like in that ‘movie’ about the lost boy.” I tap into her essence, pulling up the name of one of her favorites. “Peter Pan. He gives the female a ‘kiss’. I’ve heard the duke and his human mate talk about giving each other ‘kisses’ before and I thought—”

Hope giggles. It’s such a delightful sound. “Are you talking about acorns?”

Acorn… ah. Yes. The little brown nuts. “I am. I’ve brought you many ‘kisses’.”

Her giggle becomes more of a full-throated laugh. “And here I thought I had real industrious squirrels working against me.”

I furrow my brow. “I do not understand.”

With her free hand, Hope waves it. “Unless you’re in my brain, you wouldn’t.”

But I am. I have her essence… and, since I do, I know very well that this is probably the worst time to remind her of that. So I don’t, choosing instead to nod sagely at her.

She grins. It’s even more beautiful than her laugh. “Anyway, those are acorns—”

“Sammael,” I remind her. I had hoped for her to give me her own name for me, but for now, I just want to hear her call me anything… with the fervent belief that, one day, she’ll call me hers.

“Right. Those are acorns, Sammael. They fall from the oak trees. They’re not really a kiss.”

“They are not?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. A kiss… well, it’s when two people who are attracted to each other press their lips together because”—she shrugs—“it feels good, I guess.”

Since I received Hope’s essence, I allowed it to become a part of me. Because I was so sure I knew what a ‘kiss’ was, I never searched her thoughts and memories to verify that I was right. Now I do, and I’m bombarded by the understanding of what exactly a human kiss can be.

And, as that knowledge is absorbed next, I’m stunned to discover that while tongues are involved, not all kisses are on the mouth…

As I’m learning about kisses, my beloved Hope stuns me by moving close enough that her naked hip brushes against my shadow coverings. Then, gazing up at me, she says, “If you want, I could show you.”

If I want?

“I would be honored,” I tell her solemnly.

“Okay. Here. You’re a big guy so, uh, if you could lower your head so I can reach you.”

I hunch so that my face is in front of hers, breathing the same air. “Like this?”

“You’re so warm,” she whispers softly, looking straight in my eyes. Her lips quirk into a small grin. “But, yeah. Like this. Now… I’m going to do this, okay?”

Lifting her hand, she threads her fingers through my hair, the tips of her much cooler fingers probing past my pointed ears—so different from her smooth, rounded ones—until she’s resting them lightly on the side of my head.

“You got fangs,” she says, pointing out the obvious. “I don’t want to be cut so I’m just going to hold you in place like this. Is that alright?”

“You can do whatever you’d like,” I promise her.

“God, you’re so fucking cute. And I must be crazy because I’m dreaming about a monster and thinking he’s cute. Okay… kiss. Open your mouth a little.”