Page 11 of Escape from Rage

“If someone is here, could you tell us your name?” Madisen questioned.

Apache sent the girls a baleful look.

“Did you die here?” Ghost asked, and Apache gave him a death stare.

“Don’t upset the spirits,” he snapped.

“We are not! We’re asking them questions; they might want to talk to us. I have a feeling that this place has more to it than what Dave told us,” Mina responded. She was carrying the night vison camera.

“Anything on the SLS camera?” Madisen quizzed Sunny.

Sunny shook his head.

“Something keeps flicking in and out, but it doesn’t stay,” Sunny replied.

“Adult-sized?” Ghost said.

“No, more childlike.”

“Who has that bear thing?” Mina questioned.

“I do,” Penny answered. “Diesel and Apache wouldn’t carry it.” Her sneer said it all.

“Wild didn’t either!” Apache snapped.

“That’s because Wild believes in this, and he has the EMF detector,” Penny shot back.

“Oh, shut up,” Apache replied, and everyone laughed.

Apache wondered how he ended up with the team he did. Penny, Mina, Ghost, and Wild he was comfortable with. However, like most, he regarded Sunny with suspicion, and Madisen was new to Hellfire. Smokey just seemed to take it all with a pinch of salt.

“Here, listen!” Penny exclaimed excitedly. She’d been replaying the EVP recorder and had noticed something. She rewound it a little, and then Apache felt shivers up his spine. A child’s giggle was clearly heard.

“That is no child,” Apache moaned, fear seizing his heart.

“Is this your beliefs kicking in?” Penny asked with respect.

“That’s a demon,” Apache said, certain in his answer.

“You can’t be sure of that,” Sunny challenged.

“Wanna bet?”

“Apache, are you using woo-woo powers?” Mina quizzed.

“No, I’m not Aurora, Mina.”

“What does that mean?” a cameraman asked. He chuckled as they all turned either blank or innocent expressions on him. “Looks like you guys got some secrets.”

“Come on, let’s find the cremation room,” Ghost mumbled.

“Yeah,” Sunny said, giving the cameraman a suspicious glance.

They made their way through the corridors, investigating a couple of what they assumed to be viewing rooms and then some offices.

“The main ovens will be downstairs,” Ghost stated, peering at the stairs.

“Don’t think I’ll ever regard my ovens the same way,” Penny muttered.