That did it. Everyone took off.
“Ain’t fighting no clowns,” Autumn shrieked as she ran behind Bear.
“Me either,” Bear grunted. They got back to the junction and discovered Slaughter sitting on Mac, who was making mewling noises.
“Oh Jesus, man up!” Bear snapped. Everything was starting to grate on his nerves. This whole place was whacked. He hauled Mac to his feet, and then Fish gasped.
“My marks are gone. Did one of you two do that?” he demanded irately.
“Fuck no!” Slaughter exclaimed.
“Anyone get the feeling we’re in some sort of spider web trap?” Autumn asked and received several dirty looks.
“That’s not helpful,” Hunter said, and Autumn shrugged.
“Okay, I know that we came from that tunnel,” Fish stated, pointing at one.
They traipsed down it, heads swivelling. Mac was nearly useless, so Bear shoved him in the middle with the girls. He was shaking his head. A grown assed man frightened of clowns. Then again, Mac was not the only one. Bear thanked his lucky stars Levi wasn’t there, or there’d have been hell to pay.
At every junction they reached, they discovered Fish’s markings gone. Someone had erased them. Using Fish’s memory, they managed to navigate some of the way back until they came to a split junction.
“I don’t know,” Fish said. “I do not remember this. Bear, you’re going to have to choose.”
Oh great, Bear thought. If anything went wrong, they’d blame him.
“Left,” Bear ordered, and they marched forward.
“Wait, I could reverse the footage on the camera,” one of the guys announced.
They waited for at least fifteen minutes before the cameraman sighed.
“It just will not work. I can see the footage, but it won’t play.”
“Then left it is,” Bear decided.
They turned and reached another junction quickly. Bear shook his head. None of this was familiar, but all the tunnels looked the same. He chose a path, and they kept walking. Finally, he stopped and sighed.
“We’re lost,” Bear stated.
“Not quite. Are those doors down there?” Celt called as he flashed his light down a tunnel.
“Looks like it,” Bear said hopefully and began jogging towards them. They all skidded to a stop as they looked at the crooked sign above the doors.
“Yeah, not happening,” Alice exclaimed.
“Not the morgue,” Celt whined.
“It’s our only way out. We either take it or keep wandering.” Bear nodded to the tunnel.
The decision was taken out of their hands when, moments later, creepy music accompanied by a squeak of wheels interrupted their fighting.
They looked around, and Celt gasped as his flashlight caught on something.
“Holy fuck!” Celt cried.
“Is that the gurney we placed the music box on?” Autumn shrieked as it squeaked its way closer, the music playing all the time.
“That’s it. I’m done with this shit!” Hunter said and stormed through the doors. Everyone was on his heels as he ran up the stairs. He hit a landing, and there was a thud. When he looked down, he saw the gurney trying to get through the doors. People screamed, and Hunter took flight.