She paused, tilting her head in confusion as she stared hazily at the window. It was open? Evie could have sworn she’d closed it hours ago, but she did enjoy stepping outside to enjoy the ambiance of Aragnok. She’d probably just forgotten.

Definitely not the smartest move to make considering the types of freaky monsters that lurked on this planet, but Evie had been assured giant spiders and carnivorous meerkats were exclusive to the woods and mountainside outside the city. It was perfectly safe where she was. But, if for some reason a creature did wander in, the men were in the house to take out the threat.

Evie undressed as she moved toward the window, dropping her clothing carelessly to the floor until she was butt-naked, standing in the moonlight by her bed.

She looked out into the night as she closed the window, taking one last glimpse at the marvelous sky. There were stars everywhere, and the edge of a massive planet hovered on the horizon, reminding her of Saturn, though she knew they weren’t even close to Earth’s solar system.

It was still so baffling to see actual planets at night without the use of a telescope, and Evie didn’t think she’d ever get used to the beauty of it.

As the black-out window panel slid closed, taking the miniscule light with it, Evie wandered to her bed, feeling around until she had the comforter in her grip.

It was quick work to bury herself beneath the covers, sighing as she sank into the mattress. She felt like she was floating on a corsna cloud, her eyes drifting shut as she wondered if she’d experience any other vivid dreams tonight.

She was so tired, she didn’t even hear the creak of the floor by her bed as she fell asleep.

Chapter 3

Itwatchedhersleep,like it did almost every single night.

There was something addictive in witnessing the rise and fall of her chest. In the steady beat of her pulse and the small noises she made while she dreamt. It had never experienced dreaming in the sense that other life forms did. Nor had it found the task particularly fascinating.

Until now.

Now it just wanted to merge with its Aragnokan host fully, to become one with the male called Cazar so that it may experience everything important when it came to the human woman who’d enthralled it. So that it may share in these dreams withher.

Typically, it slaughtered its host body before moving onto the next, never staying linked for too long. A host was only useful until it wasn’t. But from the moment it had first noticed her, there had been something...fascinatingregarding the woman.

She had been so intriguing. Alluring.

And when she had looked upon it in wonder in the very lab it had been taken prisoner, her bright, blue eyes studying it with interest, it had decided that perhaps spending more time with the woman would be a wise choice.

It merely needed a vessel to ensure it could.

It had barely decided to break free of its containment and seek a host when the woman and Cazar–its captor–had been attacked. Not wanting to see the object of its obsession harmed, it had latched onto its Aragnokan captor in order to protect her.

Imagine its surprise to discover that the male also had designs on the woman, and based on the memories it could now freely detect from its new host, the woman felt similarly.

The two intended to be mated, much to its annoyance.

How could it devour her mate without suffering the consequences? It wanted to be closer to her.Needed to be closer. But destroying its new vessel would not achieve that. It needed to spend time with this woman. But not just one day, one week, or one year.

It yearned for an eternity with the human, and the only way to obtain that was to ensure its host lived and bonded with her as it longed to do. However, Cazar was proving to be quite irritating when it came to subjugation.

The Aragnokan was stronger in mind than it had initially realized, and now, thanks to its own abilities merging with its host’s to form a bond, Cazar was stronger physically as well as psychologically.

It was odd, sharing its life force with another as opposed to simply taking over its very being and consuming it.

If only the male would cease attempting to tune out its communication. If only the male would give in to their joint wishes and visit Evie of his own volition. If only he would claim her so that they could all become one. Then it would not feel the need to put the male’s consciousness to sleep in order to be near her.

But Cazar was stubborn, afraid of their mutual fixation toward the female, and so it had recently resorted to lurking in the shadows to spend time with her. It was forced to dwell just out of reach, constantly longing to feel the warmth of her touch and to see the glittering blue of her eyes, but never allowed to truly experience either.

If Cazar continued his futile quest to ‘save’ her then it would simply rip back the control it had been content to share during the day. It would hunt her down while she was alert, and do with her what it wanted.

What itneeded.

But there was one thing keeping it at bay; her potential fear. She’d been brave weeks ago when it last encountered her, but it was not sure how she would behave now that time had passed. It didn’t wish to frighten her. In fact, it longed for something far different. And for that, Cazar was crucial.

But the Aragnokan was determined to keep his distance.