He nodded, throat tightening with emotion. “I’m okay,” he answered gruffly, jaw clenching shut. “Who was that male?”

Evie began to shake, and immediately Cazar regretted asking.

“Stephen, my ex. He-he’s fucking crazy. God, Caz...” Before he could stop her, words poured forth as she began to tell him what happened while he’d been unconscious.

Rage stirred in his heart and mind, along with a hazy sense of satisfaction that he’d ended her tormentor. Only, he almost hadn’t. He’d been dead on the floor.

The thought was chilling, and he’d analyze his feelings on the subject later. What mattered now, more than anything, was his mate and the daunting claims she was making.

“We need to contact my father.” Though he was sure an alarm had gone off when he’d busted the door down, he wanted to ensure the authorities were on their way.

Carrying Evie with him around the lab, he found his communicator in a drawer. Evie was fascinated with them, calling the devices ‘Face Times of The Future’, something he didn’t quite understand.

Turning it on, he pressed the icon that would dial Jakkar, waiting impatiently for his father to answer.

When a small image of the older male’s face appeared, floating above the screen, Cazar quickly recapped the situation, urging him to come to the labs as soon as possible. His face reflecting his concern, Jakkar agreed readily.

Once his father disconnected, Cazar sat down in his chair with his mate still tucked gently in his arms.

Evie eventually pulled back and he wiped the tears from her face with his thumbs, heart stuttering as he took her in. He never would have gotten this chance with her if they’d actually cast Toroq out.

She must have been thinking the same thing because her brow furrowed as she eyed him grumpily.

“I think we need an explanation. Immediately, Toroq.”

Toroq’s presence unfurled in his mind, making himself known.

Allow me to speak with her,he commanded.

Cazar found it peculiar that Toroq needed to ask his permission now; he never had before. Regardless, he agreed. He’d prefer Evie take her wrath out on the parasite as opposed to him, anyway.

There was a shifting in his mind as Toroq pushed to the forefront, Cazar’s vision perceiving things in gray though his body remained unaltered.

Evie sucked in a breath, watching him.

“So how full of shit were you when we were on Lorshna?”

Toroq hesitated for a moment before responding. “I never intended to separate from you. The longing I feel for you is too deep to part with.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t say sweet shit to me right now, you big liar. What was that nonsense about fucking under twin moons then? ‘Cast it out’, the villager said! What a load of crap! I knew it made no sense,” she muttered to herself as an afterthought.

Toroq paused as if he were choosing his words carefully. “It was a mating ceremony,” he bit out reluctantly.

A squeak of outrage left her mouth, and then she swatted his chest. “Amatingceremony?! You mated me?”

“Not just you,” Toroq ground out.

Evie’s mouth dropped open, a choked noise escaping her. She looked as shocked as Cazar felt. She jumped from his arms, taking two steps toward the broken wall before she whirled back around, pointing a finger at him menacingly.

Toroq stood as well, the chair scraping along the floor behind him.

“You had better explain yourself this instant, Toroq.”

“When I initially took Cazar as my host, I merged our DNA together. We can never be parted, but the male is stubborn. He refused to see reason, so I thought a better solution was to pretend that I had left, in an attempt to offer him solace.”

Evie pursed her lips. “And why was a mating ceremony needed?”

“I had already partially claimed you, but the longer our bond remained incomplete, the more Cazar felt unsettled, even thoughhehad mated you. It was necessary to solidify the bonds between the three of us. Technically, we are all mated.”