“Why exactly are they important, Cazar? To keep out your mate?” Jakkar asked pointedly. “Your actions regarding Evie disappoint me, my son. You should let her in. Speak with her, confide your troubles to her, and perhaps you will feel a moment’s relief.”

The alien presence in Cazar’s mind perked up at his father’s words and Cazar grit his teeth, struggling to ignore the malevolently whispered demand to do just that.

“I’ve told you, I do not wish to see her,” Cazar spat, his hands shaking with rage as he struggled to combat the entity warring inside him. He leaned forward, clutching the desk separating him from his father.

The sound of wood cracking was the only sound in the large room aside from Jakkar’s swift intake of breath, and a dark part of Cazar relished the fear he was now able to scent.

Yet another side effect of merging with this thing. It wasn’t just his strength that had improved; his senses were heightened, too. As was his delight in the power he exuded. Something he would have once been disgusted with.

His vision wavered to gray once more, and his head began to pound as if someone,something, was knocking loudly. Insisting to be let in.

To take over.

The wood splintered in his hands before Cazar released it and sat back in his seat abruptly, afraid of how easily his hard-won domination over the parasite was slipping now that Jakkar had spoken Evie’s name.

It was difficult to maintain control, and with each passing second, Cazar feared he’d lose what precious hold he had on the parasite playing house inside his head.

Jakkar stood from his seat warily, worry marring his features as he took a healthy step back toward the door, preparing to leave.

It’s for the best, Cazar told himself. No one should be around him.

No one.

“Perhaps you should retire for the evening. Think about what I’ve said.”

“No,” he snarled, his voice so completely unlike his own.

The Cazar from before would never have shown such disrespect, such hostility. But now? He was only a few perilous seconds away from giving in to the monster, from slipping away from himself and doing untold damage. But a part of him was still inside there, battling for control. At least, for now.

“Leave me,” he bellowed, reaching for the desk and flipping it with ease when his father didn’t move.

Jakkar stumbled back as the wood splintered along the wall beside him.

“Get out!”

He couldn’t help but feel relief as Jakkar quickly did as instructed, the door sliding shut behind him.

Cazar closed his eyes as the world around him swam in a sea of gray. And it was then Cazar knew he was doomed.

Chapter 2

Corsna,or‘winecrack’as Evie had begun to call it, wasuh-mazing.And even better? There were no hangovers, no vomiting or splitting headaches the next day. The only weird side effect was that Evie experienced vivid dreams every time she drank, some way more sexually charged than others, not that she was complaining.

Seriously, corsna was probably the best beverage she’d ever had in her life. Bubbly. Deliciously fruity. And strong enough to knock her on her ass. She’d only had half a glass and already she was tipsy. Evie took another healthy sip, ignoring the way her vision swam and her lips tingled.

“Be careful. You heard Cordelia say these are really strong,” Alex, her best friend inthe entire universe, warned before she tilted over and began walking sideways towards Evie, flipping upside down before righting herself.

Evie blinked, her vision swimming.

Okay, maybe she was already drunk. It was probably that, unless Alex had developed a talent of walking upside down through the air. It was possible, though, considering Alex was now poisonous just like her mate, Kylok. Who knew what other talents she’d developed after shacking up with the Aragnokan?

“Oh, don’t be so worried,” Cordelia said from across the room, raising her own glass of wine crack high into the air. “Cheers to a fun night!”

God, Evie hoped it was a fun night. She needed something to take her mind off of everything.

Cazar’s brothers, their mates, and Evie had all just moved into a very large mansion on the outskirts of the city. It meant the women and babies were close to the doctors while also affording them a bit more protection overall.

There were rumors of a group of Aragnokans called ‘dissenters’ lurking in the shadows of the planet. Apparently, they were out to destroy their own race of people, believing the Aragnokans deserved to be extinguished for the brutality they often showed in war, or something like that.