“I want you. Right now.” Alex stood abruptly, snatching up Kylok’s hand and practically ripping him up from his seat. His knee hit the table’s edge, but the two of them barely noticed as Alex marched from the room, tossing over her shoulder at her mate, “Bring however many replicas you want, because you’re going to be busy for days.”

Chapter 24


Their ship was powering down as Cazar ushered his mate down the ramp and out into the world, his hand holding hers tightly as they breathed in the fresh air of his home planet. Going on an off-world adventure had been exciting, but he was more than ready to return home.

There was a faint breeze that ruffled his hair and clothing, the air warm and welcoming. The endless night had ended during their trip, and the sun’s rays were bright and beautiful, something he always missed when it was gone. As it was still daylight, he had plenty of time to visit with his family, especially Jakkar, before he and Evie retired for the evening.

He was looking forward to it, although at the same time he felt a bit anxious, hoping to alleviate the worry that had been plaguing his father since Cazar had become infected with Toroq originally.

A transport was waiting for them several feet away, something Ezul had set up for their return so they could travel immediately to their large home set on the edge of the city, where Cazar would now reside with his mate and the majority of his family.

Though he was eager to venture there and visit with his kin, and officially introduce Evie as his mate, Cazar had been feeling off for days.

Grouchy was an apt description. Irritable was another, though he did his best to not let that leak into his interactions with the others. Hopefully, he’d succeeded, since no one had commented on the fact that he’d been rather quiet.

He hadn’t noticed much of a change within himself until they’d boarded the ship to come home, and now it felt as if he was permanently agitated. Even sex with Evie only temporarily eased the affliction within himself. An affliction that was growing in intensity for no particular reason.

“So this is what Aragnok looks like during the day? It’s kind of beautiful,” Evie commented, head tilted toward the sky. Cazar’s chest tightened as he watched her observe her surroundings with a fair bit of wonder, content to simply breathe her air. “It’s more pinkish than I would have realized, given how all of the plants and trees glow orange and purple. I feel like I’m looking at the world through a filter on a camera.”

“I’d forgotten you had only been present here during the part of our year where the world is dark.” Evie hummed in answer, staring wide-eyed at their surroundings. If she enjoyed the view now, perhaps he could entice her to a more beautiful setting in the coming days. “I’m due to venture into the wilderness and collect samples for my lab soon, now that we’ve returned. Would you like to go with me?”

The pollen from the Ruftaz plant was known to deviate slightly in intensity as the seasons shifted, so he would need to gather some fresh samples in order to create more serums for the human women who inevitably visited Aragnok in order to keep them from suffering symptoms of the plant.

Aside from that, Cazar had been neglecting his duties since Toroq invaded his body, and it would simply be nice for him to return to doing what he loved.

“I heard there are massive spiders out there, though,” Evie said with a shiver. Cazar grimaced before nodding his head, unsure of how to properly ease her fears of the leilings.

“That’s true, there are. But I would be more concerned with the lomtas. They may be small in size and furry like some of your own Earth animals, similar to meerkats I believe, but they travel in packs and can devour their prey within seconds, depending on the size of the meal.”

Evie snorted, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. “So you want me to leave the safety of the city and go with you into the woods where I’ll probably get eaten? You’re not really selling this whole adventure thing.”

Cazar winced. “I would protect you.” With his life, if needed.

Evie grinned, her gaze openly traveling up and down his frame until he flushed under her heated stare. “I know you would.”

“So you’ll go with me?” he asked, excitement heavy in his voice. It wasn’t often Cazar stepped out of his lab for any sort of field work, and usually he was always alone on his trips. It was exciting to think he would have someone with him this time. And not just anyone. It would be his Evie.

“My instincts are telling me to sayhell nogiven the fact that I’ve already been eaten by a mud monster. Butyou’re adorable when you’re excited, and I love you, so I’ll go.“ She pointed at him menacingly. “But we aren’t doing anything crazy, like waking up at the crack of dawn, do you understand me? I need my beauty rest. And we bring that fancy tent if we’re staying overnight.”

“Of course.” Cazar’s lips curled upward slightly, still unfamiliar with hearing how much Evie cared for him. “I love you, too, Evadora.”

Her eyes softened as she looked up at him in adoration. “I know.”

At that very moment, Cazar wished they were back on the ship, in the isolation of their room, so that he could show her just how much he loved her.

Perhaps when Cazar went hunting for samples, they could take a few days to really explore the wilderness around them. He could even show her various places that he found beautiful on his home planet, including one or more of the cavern hot springs nearby. Evie would enjoy herself, and Cazar would enjoy any chance he had to see her naked and wet for him.

His mouth watered at the thought.

“I’m so glad we’re home,” Alex commented, walking up beside his mate and brushing their shoulders together. “And now we’re going to get drunk off of corsnas with Cordelia and enjoy the fact that we’reallmated to wonderful Aragnokans.”

Evie laughed, the sound delicate to his ears. It warmed Cazar’s insides, relieving some more of his irritability. He’d done that. Made his mate happy by claiming her, and made himself infinitely happy by becoming hers.

“Corsna?” Cazar asked, realizing what Alex had just said, his voice thick with curiosity. “You’ve had it?”

Alex snickered. “Oh, Evie’s had it.”