“Maybe.” Yes. Absolutely. And she had no idea why. It just... It seemedright.

“I know,” Cazar murmured, reading her easily as he took first one step, and then another, away from her, giving her a small head start. “Toroq is ready. Are you, my mate?”

Evie danced on the balls of her feet, nodding sharply.

At her confirmation, Cazar’s body suddenly began to shift, growing another foot in both height and width. His skin turned an inky black as impressive antlers sprouted from atop his head. His hands grew into sharp, dangerous claws, glinting in the moonlight.

And then Toroq tilted his head, staring right at her.

When she’d first seen him forever ago, she’d thought he had no eyes, but he did. They were just as dark as his complexion, blending in seamlessly. Maybe it was Lorshna’s moons shining down on them, but she noticed more about him in this moment than she ever had before.

Evie sucked in a deep breath. “You’re not going to keep Cazar back from this, right? He’s a part of it, too.”

Toroq smiled, which was unsettling when brilliant white, extremely sharp teeth greeted her.

“He will participate,” he rumbled. His voice was brutal, a mixture of Cazar’s deep timbre and something far more frightening. It reminded her of times during sex when Cazar had struggled to keep control over himself, afraid Toroq would overrun him.

And now, here they were.

Evie almost couldn’t believe that she was actually talking with Toroq. It was a bit bizarre, but strangely enjoyable, which just about summed up her entire time on Aragnok.

“You’re positive that this is the only way?”

“Yes,” he hissed. “The three of us have bonded too much to turn back now, Evie. We are at a crossroads.”

She swallowed thickly, feeling oddly emotional that this would be the last night she’d ever see Toroq. After this, it would all be over.

Toroq inhaled, his chest puffing up as he took a step forward. “Run, Evie.”

She turned, bolting from the small clearing and into the jungle, hoping like hell she didn’t fall into another mud monster’s grip. She knew Toroq would be able to save her, but shereallydidn’t want to experience anything like that ever again.

The moons were shining in the distance, peeking at her through the trees, just far enough away that Evie worried Toroq might catch her before she made it where she needed to go.

Would he do that? Or would he chase her leisurely until he had her right where he wanted her? She shivered at the thought, sucking in a trembling breath as she sped up, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

There was a deafening roar in the distance behind her, and Evie could have sworn the entire jungle stilled, almost as if it knew Toroq was the most threatening creature within.

He probably was.

The ground trembled beneath her feet as Toroq gave chase, roaring again. Each mighty step he took seemed to shake the world around her.

His steps were almost hypnotic, reverberating through her feet and up her calves and thighs, causing her core to tighten as he slowly closed the distance between them. Looking up at the tree line, Evie couldn’t even see the moons anymore. The foliage above was too dense, blocking out everything but a faint light.

Shit, what if she couldn’t find the spot for the ceremony?

She put on a burst of speed, which was probably a horrible idea as it would tire her out faster, careening through bushes like a madwoman as he quickly gained on her.

She couldn’t believe she was really doing this, and based on the steady trembling of the ground beneath her, Toroq was going to make this entire situation very real for her, very quickly.

She just hoped he was gentle when he caught her.That’s not what you want, a dark part of herself answered.You want him raw, untamed.

The vegetation in front of her began to thin out; hopefully that meant she was near either a river or another clearing that might allow her to see the moons once more. How the hell was she supposed to lead Toroq there if she couldn’t see anything?

There was a pressure on her calf as something wrapped around her jeans, and Evie gave a startled shriek when she fell forward onto her hands and knees. Her palms scraped the ground as she fell, and she was pretty sure she now had a hole in her jeans.

Toroq growled sensually behind her, the sound sending a shiver up her spine and heating her pussy all at once. Her leg was jerked back, and she screamed again, even though the sound lacked any ounce of fear.

Evie glanced over her shoulder, eyes widening at the sight of the large, purple tongue that was wrapped around her calf. She followed that long appendage up and up until she found Toroq only a foot away, crouched on all fours as he crept closer.