“I think ‘Joe’ has begun to acknowledge that not everything is a threat to you. I also believe that my brother has worn ‘Joe’ down enough with his constant presence that he’s seen as more of a nuisance than anything else.”

Evie laughed as Cazar began to clean her breasts, biting her lower lip to keep from moaning when the cloth slid over her now-hardened nipples.

“Why do you keep saying his name like that?” Evie emphasized ‘Joe’ again, with an air of condescension, mimicking Cazar’s tone almost perfectly.

“Because I do not think the parasite has a name. It’s just a parasite.”

Evie rolled her eyes. “Yes, but he’s a sentient parasite. You two share a body, thoughts,feelings. I’m sure he’s got a name.“ They also shared a desire for her, but she was sure Cazar wouldn’t want to hear her vocalize that just yet.

Cazar hummed, turning her gently around until her back was facing him. The wet cloth slid over her shoulders and neck, tenderly caressing her mating mark.

He leaned into her, his breath heating her ear. “And now you’re referring to it as a male?”

“Well, yeah,” she admitted, shivering slightly in response to his low rumble. “It sounds better than ‘it’ and he’s literally sharing your body. You’re a man. Isn’t he now, too?”

“I haven’t thought about it.”

“Maybe you should ask,” Evie suggested casually. She dropped down to her knees before he could respond, dipping her head under the water to clean her face and rinse off her hair.

When she popped back up, wiping the water from her lashes, Cazar was in front of her, glowering.

“You want me to speak with it?” he asked with reproach, as if the idea was absurd.

Evie shrugged, wringing out her hair. She didn’t want to upset Cazar, but she also didn’t want him to ignore his situation with Joe either. “I don’t know. Maybe? We’ve come all this way to get rid of him, but he did just save my life. You both did. And you’re a scientist. Isn’t this the perfect time to study him before he’s gone forever?”

The thought of Joe being gone began to make her feel sick to her stomach. It was kind of weird, but over the last few days of being near Cazar, seeing flickers of Joe in his eyes when she said something to make him laugh, or during their intimate moments, Evie had begun to feel more and more like he was a part of their relationship.

He wasn’t just a parasite, he was a part of Cazar. A sentient life form. And after he’d worked with Cazar to save her life just now? How could she possibly want him gone after that?

Cazar didn’t respond, but his mouth fell into a flat line and a wrinkle appeared between his brows as he scowled. Without a word, he submerged himself in the water, re-emerging a short while later. He didn’t look as irritated now, more like he was pondering her suggestion. She didn’t bring the topic back up as he returned to her side, content to just be near him for the time being.

For the next few minutes, they took turns washing one another in comfortable silence, trading the cloth back and forth until they were as clean as they were going to get.

Evie was careful to pay extra attention to his back, her fingers lightly tracing over the tattoo-like image of Joe. He was usually a large swirl on Cazar’s back, but he moved and changed shapes often, seemingly without direction. Now, he was following the path she made on Cazar’s skin.

Was Joe supposed to be moving like that? Like he was chasing her touch? Cazar didn’t say anything, and he didn’t seem uncomfortable, so Evie remained silent. She continued to leisurely trace lines along his back, a soft smile forming as Joe bounced teasingly after her.

Cazar pulled her into him when she was finished, laying his chin on the crown of her head as he held her. It was sweet and loving, and Evie didn’t waste even a second before her hands wrapped around his waist, reciprocating the tender moment between them.

“I suppose it would be fascinating to discover more about the parasite before I’m rid of it,” Cazar murmured into her hair. “Now that it’s settled, it’s almost bearable.”

“Why do you think he’s settled?” she asked curiously. She’d noticed how much more relaxed he’d been since they’d mated, but she didn’t want to bring it up and jinx Cazar’s progress. She’d feel awful if he and Joe had some sort of relapse, falling back into the dark place he’d been for weeks.

“I’ve noticed a decline in its presence since Kylok and I decided to come to Lorshna, so I believe it knows that its time is drawing near.”

“That makes sense.” Her heart pinched at the mention of being rid of Joe, but she shook off the feeling. “I understand why you want to do this, but it’ll be a bit of a bummer if I get eaten by another creepy land octopus and you’ve got no claws to fish me out with,” she half-joked.

Cazar was silent for a moment before responding. “I think another reason it has been so distant is that, in a roundabout way, I’ve given it what it wanted from the start.” He glanced down at her, his expression soft. “You,” Cazar whispered, pressing her more firmly to him. “It no longer feels the need to badger me for control because I’ve been with you constantly for days.”

Her heart skipped a beat at that. It should have left her feeling disconcerted that Joe had such a huge interest in her, but he’d never hurt her. He’d never even really scared her.

“You make an excellent point, but if Joe has me right where he wants me, why isn’t he fighting you now? Why isn’t he trying to wrestle back control so you can’t get rid of him?”

“I don’t know,” Cazar said darkly, lifting her up into his arms and carrying her back toward the riverbank. “Perhaps I’ll see if I can ask him that too.”

She grinned, reaching up and kissing him tenderly on the cheek. Cazar turned his head, capturing her lips in a heated kiss.

Evie moaned when his tongue slid into her mouth, teasing hers. Cazar’s fingers bit into her waist, adjusting her until her legs were wrapped around him.