Evie hadn’t brought up the topic of her mating with Cazar, mostly because... Well, she wasn’t quite sure why. Just that it was so new and great, and part of her was afraid to jinx it after the rough start they’d had as a couple.

“I think he was happy to see me,” Evie answered vaguely, taking another sip of her beverage. The caffeine called to her, and she sighed as she felt herself slowly sliding out of her sex stupor with each delicious sip.

“I can see the mating mark on you, you know.” Alex nodded toward her with her chin. “Your hair is doing a terrible job of covering it, and you literally have hickeys all over your neck and chest.”

Well, shit.

“It’s not like you looked any different when Kylok finally got his hands on you,” Evie deflected.

“I know.” Alex sighed blissfully. “Those were the days.”

Evie snickered, throwing a napkin at Alex. “I refuse to believe that alien doesn’t have his way with you any chance he gets.”

“Oh, he definitely does. I didn’t even know you and Cazar were missing at all yesterday; I was too preoccupied with Kylok.” Alex laughed again. “So how was it?”

“Fucking awesome,” Evie answered immediately. The cat was out of the bag anyway, so she might as well dissect the past few days with her best friend. “I was a little concerned at first, what with him being chained to the bed and his eyes changing colors a few times during sex, but he assured me it was fine, and girl! It wasfiiine.”

Alex paused, her cup of coffee halfway to her lips. “Chainedto thebed?”

Evie waved a hand nonchalantly. “Well, he was afraid Joe would come out and have his way with me or damage the ship trying.”

Alex snorted into her cup, liquid spewing up from the inside and soaking the table. “You didn’t name his parasiteJoe. Please tell me you didn’t.”

Evie shrugged. “In my defense, ‘Joe’ sounds so much less disturbing than ‘the parasite’.”

“You’ve unfortunately got a very good point. So didJoecome out to play then?”

Evie’s brow furrowed. “I don’t... I’m not really sure. There were times when Cazar’s, um... When–” Evie gestured somewhat lewdly between her legs, “–it kind of grew? Not like a normal kind of grow, either. I was seriously afraid it wouldn’t fit. But magically it did, and it was awesome. Does that happen to Kylok?”

Alex’s lips parted slightly in shock. “Hell, no. Cazar’s dick grows like that?”

“Yup,” Evie admitted quietly.

She ran a hand down her face as Alex’s question about Joe showing up finally sank in. She tried to recall each time Cazar’s cock had gotten bigger. His eye color would flicker from gray to black, sometimes remaining that way for hours at a time. And his voice would get deeper, too, but he never grew antlers or anything like that. So what did that mean?

She’d been so lost in being with Cazar that she hadn’t even thought about the fact that Joe might have been lurking somewhere in the depths of her mate’s mind. But what if he hadn’t just been lurking?

Maybe Joe had been participating all along, just in a way that wouldn’t freak her or Cazar out. Maybe Cazarhadbeen an inexperienced virgin, but what about Joe? He had been involved in other symbiotic relationships, hadn’t he? Leeching off of different aliens for who knows how long. Did Joe gain knowledge from his hosts?

If he did, Joe could have been subconsciously providing Cazar with pointers. And if that was the case, what else had he been providing?

Evie dropped her cup onto the table with a small thud. “Um, I have a question.”

Alex tilted her head to the side before nodding for her to continue.

“Whenever you and Kylok are intimate, is it just the replicating that’s different with him?”

Alex nodded. “I mean, he’s got poison that amps up my desire, and as far as I know, they all have ribbed penises. Cordelia told me that Ezul has a barb that kind of locks him to her. I don’t think it was like that for Sahin and Delilah, though, but the warriors are all a bit unique.”

“Right. The warriors are unique. But not scientists, or other normal members of Aragnokan society.” Evie stated, afraid to ask what was pressing on her mind.

“I would assume not, and I’m going to say that a monstrous, growing penis is definitely not normal.”

Evie dropped her head into her hands, caught between wanting to groan or laugh at the absurdity of their topic. “Yeah, and I assume a barb wouldn’t be normal for a scientist either.”

”Abarb?“ Alex parroted. “Like Ezul’s?”

“Yup,” Evie squeaked, peeking through her fingers to look at Alex.