“Yes, I don’t know what came over me.”

“I really liked what we were doing,” Evie reassured him, kissing his forehead again. “Last time I thought I was helping you, but I’m not sure if my original method of helping you gain ‘control’ was the best choice.” And she really didn’t want to risk tipping the scale now that it was finally back in her favor.

“Your methodwasthe best,“ Cazar countered adamantly, and Evie couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled up to the surface.

His lips curled slightly. The small movement was the Aragnokan equivalent of a full-blown grin, and Evie felt her heart clench at how carefree the expression made him look.

She wanted him to smile more often. All the time. And she was determined to make that happen.

“Just because we can’t do everything I want,” Evie began softly, running her hands over his naked chest as she stood from the bed, “it doesn’t mean we can’t do other things together, Cazar.”

“Other things?” He stood with her, his erection poking her stomach. She nearly reached out to stroke him, wanting nothing more than to feel him in her hands again. But she resisted. Barely.

“Have you ever cuddled with anyone before?”

“This is nice,” Cazar said with a small, content sigh.

“This isn’t exactly how it normally goes,” Evie replied, adjusting herself next to him. She liked being pressed up against his side so casually, but she’d honestly been expecting something a bitdifferentthan this. “Usually you’d have your arms around me, not ah, not handcuffed to the bed.”

But Lord have mercy on her horny soul, Cazar looked sensational stretched out completely naked along the mattress, the excess amount of each chain’s length hanging over the side of the bed.

Even his ankles were chained to the footboard, and despite how hard he’d cum earlier, his cock was thick and hard, resting lightly on his lower abdomen. Each time he breathed, it flexed slightly, drawing her focus. Taunting her.

She was doing her best to ignore the precum that she could see gathered at the tip, but her gaze kept drifting over his form, specifically to the liquid there that practically glistened in the light. Evie kept her hands pressed firmly at her sides, worried that touching him would result in her taking his virginity while he was tied down.

Surely that wouldn’t be appropriate, right? He hadn’t even heard of bondage before now! And she was determined to take it slow. Slow, slow,slow. No more sporadic blow jobs in hallways. Going slow was fine.


Cazar’s cock flexed again, and she swore the damned thing really was taunting her. Evie gulped, burying her head in his side.

There was a shifting on the bed and the chains rattled. Cazar turned to the side as much as he was able and pulled her into him with the arm that was closest to her until she was resting on top of it. She propped her head up on his shoulder, looking at the awkward angle he’d placed himself in, the arm furthest away still dangling overhead.

“There is absolutely no way this is enjoyable for you.”

Cazar nuzzled the top of her head with his chin. “I’m fine.”

Evie didn’t believe him for a second, turning away from him until they were almost spooning.

“Reach your other arm over and grab my waist. You should have enough slack in the chains, and it’ll be more comfortable.”

There was a brief silence. “I’m afraid that if I do that then I won’t let you go.”

She smiled to herself, pleased with his admission. “That’s the whole point of cuddling.”

“Will you undress first? I’m exhausted, Evie, and I was serious about holding onto you all night.”

A trickle of nerves bounced around in her stomach as she stood and undressed quickly, keeping her back to him as she did so. It was silly, really. He’d already seen her naked. And even though she was a bit bigger than the average woman, she had never felt anything but proud of her body.

Still... Waking up with him over her while she was naked in the dark was different than undressing for him in this dim lighting, and anxiety reared its ugly head as she cautiously turned around.

Cazar’s eyes fixated over every inch of her, his expression hungry as his gaze traveled over every curve. His cock flexed. She didn’t know if she was hallucinating, but it seemed to grow larger, which couldn’t be right. Could it? She didn’t know what she would do if it could get bigger.

Literallydie from happiness, probably.

She didn’t get a chance to take another look before Cazar’s rough voice stole her attention.

“I’m so proud that you chose me as your mate,” he growled, his eyes riveted to her breasts. He licked his lips, drawing in a ragged breath. “Come to me, Evadora. Let me hold you.”