“He didn’t accept you as his mate!”

Toroq shrugged. “His acceptance of our bond was the necessary ingredient. He no longer wanted me gone, and as I cannot leave, it fully merged our beings.”

Evie’s head snapped back at his admission. “How is that different from what you were doing before? You were already living inside of him then.”

“Yes, but now we are completely in sync. My very essence has blended with his.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” she asked, hurt written all over her face. “Why let us think you were gone forever when you knew we missed you?”

Toroq took a step toward her, and while she curled her upper lip in agitation, she let him pull her into his arms. Resting his chin on the crown of her head, he answered.

“I burrowed deep into Cazar’s subconscious, content in knowing that you were safe and happy. That you both were. It seemed a better option than listening to him whine about sharing a vessel. I only rose to the surface when I sensed your fear, but I did not anticipate that doing so would weaken Cazar momentarily. Nor did I figure he would be bested by a human male.” Toroq snorted. “We will need to work on his response time to attacks.”

Cazar bristled at the statement, wishing he could stab the parasite in the heart several times just to see how quick his response time was.

“He wasn’t bested,” Evie argued, hands lax at her sides as she defended him. “He got up and you guys ate Stephen’s head.”

“Cazar was dead,” Toroq admitted with a roll of his eyes. “Pathetic, really. I left him unattended for less than two weeks and he could not even keep himself alive.”

Evie jerked away from him. “Hedied? Oh God–”

“All is well,” Toroq soothed, dragging her back into his embrace.

“‘All is well’,” she mocked. “How is he alive? What did you do?”

“I cannot age, or wither, or die. I have lived countless lives. Years. Eons. Because we are now linked, Cazar will also not die. Not permanently, as long as we are joined.”

But,Toroq whispered to Cazar.I will allow your body to age with Evie’s. You will grow old with her. And when it is her time to depart this world, I will see to it that you follow her, if you so wish. If the burden of her loss is too great.

If I can’t die then how can you promise that?Though, the answer didn’t matter as long as it was possible.Cazar didn’t want to live without her.

Our life forces are bound together. But I can unbind them. Cut the string that ties us, so to speak. Then you can die, the same as any other mortal.

Cazar was silent for a moment, lost in thought.If you’ve mated us, what will happen to you when we die?

Does it matter?

Of course, it matters!

He felt Toroq smirk.I knew I would grow on you.

Shut up.

Do you wish for my honest answer?


I have merged with you. Unbinding us will shred my entire being, and I will cease to exist.

I thought you said you couldn’t die.

It is hard to explain. I cannot die in the sense that you do. I am different.More. But everything withers in time, and everything perishes. Even me.

How are you okay with the thought of perishing?Cazar asked.

I knew what would happen when I did this. I have never mated before. The idea of doing so was thrilling, and Evie is worth it.Toroq huffed.I suppose you are as well.

“That’s such a relief that you can protect him like that. How did your blood heal me?” Evie’s question drew them out of their conversation.