Evie didn’t believe him, not for a second. “How would you even know that?”

Instead of answering, Stephen stood to his feet, pointing the knife at her threateningly. “Get up, Evie. Now.”

Slowly, head ringing from the slap and her body aching from her wounds, she stood, taking several steps backward until her shoulders brushed against the glass wall. He didn’t seem to care, completely unaware that the door handle leading into the labs was somewhere along the wall behind her. He was between her and the bedroom door, believing she was trapped.

Placing her hands behind her back, Evie began discreetly searching along the wall, desperate to find the damned handle.

Where is it? Shit, is it more to the right?

Appeased that she’d done as he’d asked, Stephen finally answered conversationally. “Dad was terrible with keeping information saved onto a computer. He didn’t trust them to not get hacked, so he did everything the old-fashioned way.”

Evie took a few steps to the right, nails scraping inaudibly along the wall as she searched desperately. Stephen followed her movements with his own, sidestepping with her to keep the door firmly at his back.

“Naturally, he left paperwork all over his office, which I read after I killed him and tossed him down the stairs to cover my tracks.” He smiled again, confirming her suspicions.

Exasperation blended with fear as she struggled and failed to find the handle. Hell, an invisible holoscreen would be fucking fantastic right now. Instead, all she could feel was the wall’s smooth surface.

Whatever fleeting amount of hope she’d felt before withered away and died. She wasn’t going to find the door and get out of here. What was she going to do when Stephen attacked her again? Her mouth dried in dread. How could she fight him off?

Go for the weak arm.

“When the police investigate, which I’m sure is well under way by now,” Stephen continued, “they’ll discover everything he’s been up to. It’s some vile shit, believe me.”

“That’s just it,” Evie snapped, resolved to her fate. She was either going to make it out of this or she wasn’t. “Idon’tbelieve you, Stephen.”

His face hardened, a low hum of rage passing his lips. He pointed the knife at her again. “Undress. These savages are all about biting their women, right? Claiming them? We’re going to fuck on the dead alien’s bed so that I can claim youmyway. Maybe I’ll even give you my own bite so I can cover that despicable mark on your neck.“ He looked down at the knife and back up, an idea forming behind his eyes. “Maybe I’ll just cut it out of you.”

“Fuck you,” she cried, body coiling with tension as he took a step toward her. “I’d rather die than go anywhere with you, you miserable sack of shit!”

“What did you say, Evie?” Stephen’s eyes grew cold, his mouth falling into a flat, harsh line.

It was so easy to enrage him. She’d been excellent at it throughout their relationship, even when she was on her best behavior. She never wanted to provoke him back then, but right now, she wanted him to attack. Hopefully, with a bit of luck, she could use his own hostility against him. It was a long shot, but what choice did she have?

She wasn’t going to just let him rape and abduct her. She’d rather die.

Looking him dead in the eye, Evie curled her lip in disgust. “I said. Fuck. You. Fuck you, fuck you!”

Stephen snapped, just like she’d expected. With a yell, he charged at her like a bull, the knife raised high above his head, his useless arm dangling awkwardly at his side as he rushed forward.

Evie stood there like a deer in headlights. When his warm breath hit her face and he swung at her head, she dropped to her knees, reaching for his bad arm.

The knife slid into her shoulder, hitting bone. She screamed in pain but latched onto Stephen’s injured arm and pulled. They were caught in an odd tug of war as he yelled in agony, dropping his hold on the knife, still in her shoulder, to grab onto his fucked-up arm.

She fell back onto the ground, still tugging, determined to rip the damned thing off if she could.

Stephen kicked her hard in the stomach, knocking the wind right out of her. Her grip loosened, his arm now hanging so much lower on his body than the other one. He stood over her, breathing erratically, the glass at his back.

“If you won’t be with me, Evie, then you won’t be with anyone!”

Stephen lifted his foot to kick her again, and she braced for the impact. But then the glass shattered behind him, an inhuman roar splitting the air.

Chapter 31


Cease being useless and get up, a deep voice snarled in Cazar’s ear.

No, not his ear. His mind. Toroq’s voice was in his mind!