“Yeah, that’s really awful to go through.” Evie’s heart ached for this man she hadn’t even met. She understood what it was like to mourn the loss of a parent, whether through drugs or death. Both were familiar. “Who is he here visiting?”

“His cousin, Beth. You might know her.”

Evie grimaced. “Oh, I know her alright.” That was the bitch that had constantly provoked Evie and Alex while they were on the ship heading over here. Evie hadn’t tolerated her crap at all, making it apparent that Beth’s behavior was unacceptable.

Not that it stopped anything. Beth had been a thorn in Evie’s side the whole trip. She’d even set her sights on Cazar when they’d first landed. Luckily, her mate had excellent taste and knew to steer clear from the other woman. His only desire was for Evie.

All things aside, she was honestly surprised that Beth was allowed a visitor so soon. Tristan had to call in multiple favors to see Evie, so she could only assume it had been just as difficult for Seth. Maybe she knew people with connections?

Tristan chuckled. “I take it that means you’re uninterested in getting together with them while I’m here?”

Evie made a face. “I’d prefer to not go anywhere near that woman, but you know that I’d do anything for you. If you’re interested in meeting up, I’ll suffer through an evening in her presence.” She sighed dramatically. “It’s the least I can do for the prom dress trauma you endured all those years ago.”

“I’m glad you understand how life-altering that time was for me,” Tristan said with a shudder. “The things I went through that day will haunt me forever.”

“It was one afternoon! Barely three hours,” Evie scoffed. “I still can’t believe that’s one of the stories you just had to tell Cazar.”

“Hey, you wanted me to bond with your man, so I did.”

“I know, I know. But now Cazar is going to think Earth is some barbaric place.”

“Evie, Earthisbarbaric. Down to its core, every planet is, even if they have flying cars and a pink sun,“ Tristan pointed out. “We’re all animals where it counts.”

“Yeah...” Noticing they were falling behind, Evie picked up the pace, dragging Tristan along with her. It would be just her luck to get separated from the group, even with all of the guards attempting to herd them into one massive blob of people.

“So,” she began when they took the sidewalk and crossed the street, following the group as it headed back toward the capitol building in the distance. “What do you think of Cazar? Now that you’ve gotten to know him.”

Tristan shrugged. “He’s alright.”

Her brows rose in surprise. Coming from her brother, that was practically the highest honor he could give a person.

“Alright, huh? I’m glad you approve of him.”

Tristan frowned. “I didn’t say that.”

“Oh, you said that and more. In fact, I think I heard you tell me that you couldn’t wait to have some more drinks with him and his brothers and shoot the shit.”

“‘I might be off of corsna for the rest of my trip,” he admitted. “That shit put me on my ass all day yesterday.”

“I’m surprised you had a hangover. Cazar’s been altering the formula so that it doesn’t have as many negative side-effects on humans. Maybe you’re still suffering from space sickness and the alcohol messed with you.”

“I keep forgetting your man is a scientist. Is that where he’s at now? His labs?”

Evie nodded. “Yeah, I’m meeting up with him after this.” Usually she took a transport to see him, but today she was close enough that she just planned on walking. She was a bit nervous, being alone in the city center for any period of time, but it was only a few minutes walk.

“You know, I didn’t think he was good enough for you, and he probably still isn’t. But it’s obvious that he makes you happy and that he likes doing it. That’s not a bad man, in my opinion. Even if he is an alien.”

“Aw, that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said about a guy I’ve dated.”

“Speaking of,” Tristan said, his good mood instantly dissolving. “Why didn’t you tell me you were engaged to that dickhead back on Earth?”

Evie sighed. “I’d been meaning to, honestly. But then Stephen began exhibiting behaviors that scared me. I don’t want to go into any more details because I know you’ll go crazy about it, and that part of my life isover,“ she emphasized, glaring at him. “Seriously, do not do anything when you get back to Earth that will get you thrown in jail. Anyways, whenIgot thrown in jail, I planned to tell you about it. I just wanted to work myself up to handle one of your screaming lectures.”

“I do not scream–” Tristan’s brow furrowed, head tilting to the side as he stared into the crowd in front of them. “Oh, there’s Seth.” He pointed into the throng of people.

She followed the direction of his finger, squinting at the crowd. “I don’t know who you’re pointing to.”

“The guy with the green sweater– Oh, he’s gone. Damn, he moves fast.”