“What is that?” Evie asked, looking around.

Cazar snatched his lab coat and slid it over his frame. Perhaps he should get Evie one as well. She’d look good draped in one, and he’d enjoy peeling it off of her. Walking over to his desk, Cazar snatched the holopad up, clicking on the icon to activate the call.

Jakkar’s face popped up above the screen. “My son. Is Evie with you?”

“Yes.” Evie came to Cazar’s side, waving at his dad.

“Good. Please hop in a transport and meet me at the capitol building. There is a guest that would very much like to meet with you.”

Evie’s eyebrows furrowed. “A guest? I don’t really know anyone but you all.”

Just then, a human male came into view, staring warily at the screen as if he couldn’t quite figure out the technology.

Evie gasped, a hand covering her mouth.


Chapter 27

“Tristan?!”Evieexclaimed,shockevident in her voice.

She was hallucinating. She had to be. Because there was absolutely no way her brother, whom she hadn’t seen in well over a year, was onAragnok. Maybe she’d smacked her head into Cazar’s countertop while they’d been having sex and she was concussed. Blacked out and experiencing some kind of hallucination.

Or there was some kind of drug in Cazar’s lab that she’d accidentally ingested or inhaled. A hallucinogen of some sort. Pollen in the air made women horny, why not a hallucinogenic dust? Hell, maybe Cazar’s sperm was a hallucinogenic all on its own.

That made so much more sense than what she was witnessing on the other end of that holoscreen right now.

Tristan? How?

“Evie? Who is this?” Cazar asked, running a hand up and down her arm as she struggled to snap out of her shocked stupor.

“That’s my brother,” she said faintly, unable to take her eyes from the screen.

Tristan cast a wary glance to Cazar, eyes narrowing before shifting back to Evie. Her brother smiled then, the hard planes of his face softening instantly. Tristan had a hard shell, customary given how they’d been raised, but he’d never looked at Evie with anything other than love in his eyes.

Just like he was doing right now. And that’s when she knew completely it was him.

“Hey, little sis.”

That voice–

She never thought she’d hear it again. Evie’s eyes welled with tears, a small shudder running through her. “What are you doing here?” she asked, breath catching on a sob. Cazar held her to him, a deep purr emanating from his chest, meant to soothe her.

She looked away, clearing her throat and focusing on that sweet purr. She freaking loathed being so emotional. This was no time to be shedding any tears.

“Father, where are you?” Cazar asked.

Jakkar appeared once more. “In my office.”

“Very well, we will be there as soon as possible so that Evie may see her brother in person.”

They exchanged pleasantries before ending the transmission.

Cazar scooped Evie up into his arms, cradling her to him as he walked from the lab. Everything was a blur as he took her from his previous home to a government transport that was parked in a nearby garage at the edge of the lab’s building.

Transports were awesome, mostly because they didn’t require anything other than coordinates in order to work properly. Cazar must have punched them in already because as soon as they sat, with Evie in his lap, the transport moved, heading toward the capitol building.

If Cazar spoke with her on the journey there, she didn’t hear it, focusing only on the droning in her ears and his reassuring purr as time seemed to move slowly and yet all at once.