“Squirting is like a mixture of my release and... something else,” she finished lamely, too horrified to say it out loud.

“Why are you embarrassed?” Cazar took her hands gently in his, stepping between her thighs until his half-erect cock brushed against her center. “You didn’t like it? Did it not feel enjoyable?”

“No, I did enjoy it. A littletoomuch.“ How did she even explain this without it sounding so gross? Men she’d dated back on Earth would have run for the hills. “I think the positioning kind of made it happen, but I... It’s like a mixture of my arousal and a bit of–”

Her throat closed up. She couldn’t say it.

“A bit of...?” Cazar pulled her into his arms, hands sifting through her hair. “You can tell me anything. There is nothing to be embarrassed or shy about. Not with me.”

“Urine! Okay? It’s a little bit of urine.”

Cazar pulled back, eyeing her appraisingly. “Really?”


“And you’ve never done that before? How did it feel when it happened?”

“Really fantastic,” she admitted with a puzzled frown. “I think I might have had a mini one before with you, but this was something else entirely.”

Something sexy and embarrassing, all rolled into one.

“So it doesn’t occur every time?”

Evie shook her head. Luckily it didn’t, otherwise she might never want sex again. How humiliating!

“Do you know what caused it?” he asked excitedly. Far too excitedly for someone who was supposed to be turned off by what she’d just done.

Evie raised a brow. Why was he asking her so many questions? “Maybe the overstimulation to my clit and G-spot at the same time caused it? I don’t know.”

Cazar’s eyes lit up with interest. Gently, his hands found her shoulders, easing her back until she was lying flat on the counter once more.

“What are you doing?” she asked him warily, lifting her head up to stare at him. His eyes were riveted to her wet pussy, fingers trailing lightly over her inner thighs.


Cazar dropped to his knees, throwing her legs over his shoulders. And then his tongue slipped inside her.

Cazar accomplished no genuine work for the Aragnokan government on his first day back in his labs. Not that he cared. He’d found something far more pleasurable to spend his time on than researching, and it was the search for the elusive orgasm he’d given his mate only hours before.

Squirting. What an interesting concept, and something he was eager to recreate. So far it hadn’t resurfaced, but Cazar was nothing if not persistent. He’d figure out exactly what he needed to stimulate a similar response, and then he’d use it to his advantage as often as possible.

Evie had seemed embarrassed, but the way she’d drenched his cock had caused a sensual beast to stir to life within Cazar, demanding he do anything and everything to experience that again.

“I think going to the lab with you while you work is a mistake,” Evie said with a laugh, slowly redressing. Cazar followed suit, tugging on his pants and shoes, and then his shirt.

Cazar snorted. “I’ve never enjoyed my work more than I did today.”

She smiled at him, shaking her head. “You’re silly.”

“Only if being silly means that I’m hopelessly in love with you.”

Evie slid her hands around the back of his neck, pulling him in for a heated kiss. He returned it eagerly, hands cupping her hips lovingly. One gentle brush of her lips had his groin tightening, anticipation churning in his gut.

“It’s a good thing you’re hopelessly in love, because I am too,” she murmured, kissing him again.

His heart warmed at the admission, doing a dramatic flip inside his chest before skipping a beat. He’d never felt like this before. Evadora was perfect, charming, and beautiful. She made his soul sing.

The holopad on his desk suddenly lit up, displaying a 3D image that indicated he was receiving a transmission. A chime sounded in his lab a moment later, drawing them reluctantly apart.