Cazar winced, shame creeping into his mind before she placed a tender kiss to his lips, wiping away the sour emotion.

“Yes,” he answered. “My brothers had already moved out of the house when she passed, even the youngest. But my fondest memory was the night before Zypher left to train as a warrior. He’d been nervous. Unsure of himself. My mother sang to him, forcing my father and I to join in. Zypher has always been a fan of music, and it comforted him.”

“That sounds lovely.”

Cazar snorted. “It was horrible. None of us can carry a tune. But Zypher had been grateful. It was the last time I remember feeling so at peace among my kin until tonight.”

“Jakkar mentioned that Zypher followed his own path after your mom died, but he didn’t really say much else.”

“That’s a delicate way to phrase it. Zypher defected from his duties and fled the planet in order to avoid arrest. He’s never bothered to reach out, though Kylok hired a bounty hunter a few years ago and located him. He’s kept tabs on him ever since. Zypher manages to lose whatever tail is on him, but Ky is as persistent as Zypher is hard-headed.”

“A family trait, no doubt,” Evie teased, her sweet voice pulling him closer to sleep.

“Hmm.” Cazar’s eyes began to drift close.

“What does your brother do? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“He’s a pirate,” Cazar said with a yawn. “A smuggler. I hear he is quite ruthless.”

“That sounds fascinating. And kind of sad. Since he defected, does that mean he can’t ever come home?”

Cazar grunted instead of answering, sleep beckoning him.

“Get some rest.” Evie’s warm breath caressed his neck, and Cazar finally tumbled into sleep.

Chapter 26

“This,”Eviepanted,runningher fingers through Cazar’s hair, urging him infinitely closer. “This isn’t work. Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

This was Cazar’s first official day back to the labs, and their fifth day back from Lorshna. Things were going well as they finally settled in together. His moodiness had eased to the point where he felt comfortable returning to work.

He’d been excited, inviting her along so that she could see some of what he did for a living. Happy that he’d wanted her near, she’d been eager to go with him. He’d promised to show her around the building, but so far he’d only led her down a few corridors before bringing her to his lab.

From there, he had scanned her palm, promising to upload her prints into the lab’s database when he had the chance so that she could access every room and visit him whenever she liked. It was endearing, and she’d swooned as he’d begun working, looking at various samples under one of his microscopes.

He hadn’t told her that he planned to take breaks from his work, lift her onto the counter, and eat her out.

Not that she was complaining. Not in the slightest.

He sucked her clit into his mouth, groaning. She shook, throwing her head back as lust spread higher and higher, a tight ball of need in her womb eager to be unleashed.

Her breath hitched at a particularly deep stroke, her pussy clamping around his tongue as she came.


Crying out, Evie rocked against her mate’s face, waves of pleasure coursing through her. She rolled her hips, riding his face until she was spent before falling back on the countertop with a ragged exhale.

Cazar popped his head up from between her thighs, leaning over her body with smug satisfaction written all over his features. His lips were covered in her juices, glistening in the light. He licked them, releasing a deep rumble. “I agree. It’s not work if you love it, and I love every second of my tongue buried in your cunt, Evadora.”

She let out a shocked laugh as her heart rate returned to normal. “I guess now you need to get back to actual work.” She took a deep, calming breath, her body tingling from aftershocks. “Fun’s over.”

His eyes darkened, a mixture of gray and black swirling together. Evie stilled, afraid to blink. She’d never seen that anomaly before, the color unique and captivating.

Cazar’s gaze hadn’t held a speck of black at all since she’d cast out Toroq, but now it blended with gray into a beautiful color that left her breathless.

Cazar grabbed her hips, roughly turning her until she was facedown on the countertop, hands gripping the side of the counter, hips digging into the edge. Her toes barely touched the floor, giving her only a small bit of purchase as she heard Cazar begin to undress.

Hands fisted in her hair a moment later, tugging her head back toward him. Her back arched, a startled, aroused cry passing her lips. He breathed in her ear, the warmth causing a delicious shiver to slide down her spine. “The break is over when I say it is, Evadora. And I’m still starving.”