Ezul’s upper lip curled in agitation. “My soup is a delicacy,” he told his mate with a scowl.

Cordelia sniffed, holding her head high. “Then you and your brothers can have the worm soup. Jakkar and the rest of us will have pizza.”

”Iamquite fond of the Earth dish,“ Jakkar agreed readily, patting his belly over his senator’s robes. Ezul glowered as Jakkar sent him an appeasing look. “Although, I’m sure thetarbaksoup is equally up to par. Perhaps I’ll indulge in both.”

“We look forward to you living with us here,” Sahin spoke up from beside Cazar, his older brother drawing his attention away from Jakkar and Ezul. “Delilah and Kiara will be down a little later, once my daughter stops her fussing.”

“I am looking forward to it.”

And he was, even if he did feel a bit overwhelmed. Typically, his family was never gathered together at the same time. Kylok and Sahin had already been sent away to train as warriors only a few years after Cazar had been born, and Ezul had followed not long after.

Then it had just been Jakkar, his mother Emurelda, and Zypher, their youngest brother. Those had been happy times until Emurelda was killed when Cazar was nearing adulthood.

It had been devastating. His mother had been a scientist, and Cazar had been learning everything from her; following in her footsteps with the hopes of one day working with her side by side.

She had been such a positive light in their lives, and he’d felt bereft from her loss for many years. But it was Zypher, who at the time had been training as a warrior away from the family for two years, who had taken the news of her passing the hardest.

His little brother had defected from the Aragnokan government as a warrior, stowing away on a galactic ship that had taken him across the universe. No one had heard from him since, and as he was now considered a traitor, he wasn’t allowed back to Aragnok.

“Are you alright?” Evie asked, studying Cazar. He cleared his throat, wrapping an arm around her waist. Her expression radiated concern, reminding Cazar that he’d been doing a terrible job of hiding his odd behavior from her over the past week.

“I am well,” he said, supplying her with the usual answer.

Her brow furrowed and she leaned in, whispering in his ear. “I know that’s not entirely true, and I expect you to be honest with me when we get to our rooms.”

Instead of answering, Cazar nuzzled her neck affectionately, kissing her mating mark in order to ground himself. He breathed in her scent, releasing a pent-up breath as he pulled her closer.

“Your efforts are in vain,” Evie murmured, pushing him away slightly. “I will not be swayed by your lips or by how sweet you’re acting. We’re talking later.”

“Fine, but only if I can put my lips to use in other ways when we’re alone.”

“Deal.” She held out her hand for him to take, shaking his limb up and down. It was odd, but not unpleasant.

Perhaps they should skip this ‘pizza’ and go straight to their rooms. They could talk and he could hopefully spend the rest of the night with his dick buried inside his mate’s warm body. And after that, he’d spend hours licking every inch of her, just so he could listen to her sweet moans filling the air.

“Come,” Sahin drawled, clapping Cazar harshly on the back and startling him from his reverie. “Food and then rest. We all wish to catch up.”

Cazar was stuffed and exhausted as they filed into their rooms later that night. Being near so many people had been all-consuming. But the more time he spent in his family’s presence, the more he’d come to enjoy himself. His nerves had even calmed completely while they sat around the table, sharing stories and eating.

He’d had a few rounds oftarbaksoup, just to appease Ezul and his grumbling when no one else ventured toward the dish. And then he experienced his first taste of pizza. It had been delicious, flavor and spices exploding on his tongue with just one bite. Before he’d realized what had happened, nine large slices had ended up in his stomach.

He likely would have eaten more, but Evie had insisted he take a break. Luckily, he’d followed her instructions, as he now felt swollen, his stomach bloating to the point where his clothing was tight.

“Maybe you should lie down,” Evie told him with a laugh, leading him to the bed and patting it suggestively. Cazar sprawled out on his back, the mattress cradling him lovingly. “If you don’t relax now then we can’t have tons of sex later, and wouldn’t that be a shame?”

“Sex?” His cock stirred to life, interested in her proposition even while tired from overeating.

“But only after you tell me what’s been going on with you.” She stared at him knowingly. “And don’t tell me any of that, ‘I’m well’ bullshit, because I haven’t believed that in days.” She paused, eyes softening with worry. “Are you really alright?”

Cazar shifted onto his side, pulling Evie down until she was laying beside him, cradled in his arms.

He sighed softly. He had been meaning to avoid her worrying, but now it seemed his silence had only made her feel worse. “It’s been an adjustment after Toroq’s absence, and I’ve had a hard time controlling my emotions. I often feel misplaced, or irritable, and I can’t figure out the cause.”

Her hands rubbed over his chest in a soothing manner. “Do you think you just miss him? Having someone in your head?”

He paused, lips pursing as he thought. “Perhaps,” he said eventually. He had felt oddly lonely over the past few days, and he hadn’t understood why. After all, he’d been with the woman he loved every second of the day, enjoying each moment of her company. He continued, “But that wasn’t the reason for my mood earlier tonight. I was thinking about the last time I’d been living in a home surrounded by family. It was many years ago.”

“Back when your mother was alive?” Evie asked softly, eyes finding his and holding them. “Jakkar has told me a bit about your life, I think to help me get to know you while you were avoiding me.”