“Yes,” Cazar hissed, resuming his walk toward the transport. “I also do not wish to discuss this further. The journey to and from Lorshna could have made any of us irritable.”

“But it didn’t,” Kylok said smugly. “Just you.”

Cazar glared at his brother before boarding the transport, effectively giving him the cold shoulder.

Chapter 25

Itwaslateinthe afternoon when their group arrived at the mansion on the edge of the city.

Cazar was nervous to see his family again, fidgeting with the collar of his shirt. Evie took his hand, all but dragging him toward his new home before he slowed to a stop outside the front door with the guise of admiring the architecture, attempting to delay the inevitable reunion. It didn’t work, and Evie tugged gently on his hand, leading him through the doorway.

As soon as he stepped inside, all of his brothers flocked to him, even Kylok. Though he was grateful to see them, it was the older gentleman standing off to the side that caught his attention.

His father Jakkar was here, warmth shining in his eyes as he hesitantly reached for Cazar. Weeks ago, he would have snarled and stepped away, fearful Toroq would inflict damage on his last remaining parent.

He’d always been so close to his father, and the weeks of struggle had been difficult in more ways than one. But the isolation had been the worst. And he was only just now realizing how much he’d been affected by everything. Cazar’s eyes stung with emotion as he crossed the small distance between them and enveloped his father in his arms.

Affection in public was frowned upon on Aragnok, but here? Among family? Cazar didn’t think twice, holding on to his father for all he was worth.

He breathed in his familiar scent, a toffee candy that Jakkar often indulged in and spice-scented wood from the desk he spent hours behind each day. Cazar’s shoulders sagged, emotion clogging his throat as his father held him tight.

Noises from the room were drowned out, only Evie’s presence as she came up beside him filtering into his subconscious.

“You’re well?” Jakkar asked softly, his voice thick.

Cazar nodded, pulling away in order to get ahold of himself. Jakkar cupped his cheek, as reluctant to part as Cazar was. “Yes. I am well.”

“Excellent. I had faith you would be alright.” Jakkar patted him once before he dropped his hand and turned to Evie, winking at her mischievously when he spotted her mating mark. “Following him to a foreign planet was reckless, but you are a strong woman. I am delighted to see your mating has been solidified.”

“Thank you! I didn’t want him to go through that alone.”

“Which is why you were the perfect choice for my son. The god, Shokar, could not have chosen a better mate for my son.”

Evie flushed at the praise. His father was right, of course. Evie was perfect for him. Better than he could have ever dreamed.

“Here, hold your niece,” Cordelia said, eagerly stepping into Cazar’s space. She deposited little Lita into Cazar’s arms without preamble, cooing at her baby affectionately.

He was startled by the contact, nervous he might hold the tiny infant incorrectly. He’d only met his nieces briefly before the attack, and even then he’d been too scared to pick either of them up. It wasn’t any easier now, especially with the room watching him like a hawk, as if they anticipated him accidentally dropping his niece at any given moment.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” Evie asked, staring down at the small bundle in his arms. An ache formed in his chest, an image popping into his head of them standing just like this. Only, instead of Lita, he would be holding his own daughter, who hopefully resembled his mate in every way.

Lita locked eyes with him, her little fists clenching and unclenching as she watched him. The color in her eyes began to shift, swirling with more hues the longer she stared up at him, almost as if she were looking into his very soul.

Cazar had never seen anything like it, incapable of looking away as if he were under her spell.

And then she opened her mouth, releasing an ear-piercing wail that had his jaw clenching and his mind immediately on edge. Cordelia plucked her daughter from his arms, apologizing to the room as Lita screamed angrily.

“Lita, that’s not nice,” Cordelia chided softly, swaying on her feet until her daughter calmed. Cordelia smiled up at Cazar. “Sorry about that. Usually she’s calm with everyone. She just needs to get used to you.”

“It’s no problem,” Cazar answered gruffly, grateful to have his hands free so he could pull Evie into his embrace.

Ezul came forward, patting him on the shoulder before scooping his daughter up and fastening her into some sort of baby pouch built into the front of his breastplate. Lita cooed happily, dropping her head onto his chest. “Welcome home, little brother. We’ve prepared a feast for you all. Something a bit better than what you were likely eating on the ship.”

“Thank God,” Evie muttered under her breath, sending an embarrassed smile Cazar’s way. “If I had to eat another broth, I might have screamed.”

“Well, actually,” Ezul began, “I’ve prepared a soup–”

“Oh no, none of that.” Cordelia hip-checked her mate, smiling happily at Evie. “I made pizza. Well, the Aragnokan version of pizza. It’s delicious and worm-free, so I highly encourage you to try it.”