The villager spoke, breaking through Cazar’s thoughts. “Unfortunately, it has not only partially bonded with your mate, but it has merged more fully with your being than it has any other host. To separate safely from you both, this ceremonymustbe performed. Youbothmust accept it wholly in order for it to make a clean break, otherwise you all suffer.”

“Well, Cazar said no, so Jo–Toroqisn’t going anywhere,“ Evie said in exasperation.

The villager shook its head. “Thefhultohas been returned to its homeland. It wishes to stay and will kill your mate and injure you if it is not removed safely.”

“No,no. Toroq wouldn’t do something like that. He wouldn’t hurt me or Cazar!“ Evie exclaimed confidently, crossing her arms over her chest.

Cazar didn’t get a chance to agree with her, collapsing to his knees as blistering pain spread from his lower spine up toward his shoulders, the skin on his back stretching so painfully tight that he let out a bellow.

It echoed into the night and Evie cried out, dropping beside him instantly. She reached out, grasping his shoulder, but the fire spread until he thought his skin was melting.

He shrugged her off, her touch only amplifying his agony as he fell forward. Cazar was barely able to catch himself from face-planting into the ground before the pain immediately rescinded, leaving him gasping for breath.

“Oh my God,” Evie whispered, reaching out hesitantly. Cazar breathed a sigh of relief when her touch didn’t hurt, instead soothing him like a balm. That was all it took for Evie to wrap him in her arms, hugging him fiercely. “Toroq really tried to leave,” she said in disbelief, her voice shaking. “It looked like he was pulling your skin apart.”

“It felt like that,” Cazar gasped, still panting from the remnants of pain. He clenched his fists in frustration. Toroq had just made it clear that, one way or another, it was leaving.

“Now you see what will happen if you do not do as instructed. The ceremony can only be performed on Lorshna, and only when the two moons are at their highest point in the sky.” The villager looked at them with pity. “What you do with this information is yours alone, but I have nothing else to tell you.”

And with that, the villager turned, walking back toward the campfire.

“What are we going to do?” Evie whispered.

Kylok and Alex agreed to give them some time alone to discuss things, staying near the village with their supplies while Evie led Cazar toward the trees, trying and failing to keep her composure until they were away from everyone.

Her head was reeling from the bombardment of information, most of which made absolutely no sense to her. How the hell was she supposed to ‘cast’ Toroq out of Cazar’s body by having sex with him?

Her vagina wasn’t made of magic!

The moons were moving higher into the night sky, lighting up their surroundings. Evie set a quick pace, using the light as a guide to disappear into the tree line, stomping loudly.

She was shaking, but it wasn’t exactly from fear. She was mad as hell, and strangely horny.

Evie spun around, pointing a finger menacingly at Cazar, but it wasn’t him she was furious with.

“You bring that blobby asshole out right now,” she seethed. “If he can talk to you, he can talk to me, and I haveso muchI want to say.“ It wouldn’t be fair if she laid into Cazar for Toroq’s antics, but she wasthisclose to losing her shit.

How dare he hurt Cazar in any fashion, even to prove a point! And to say that he was just going to leave,one way or another, but not before he got a midnight booty call to send him on his way?Oh, the nerve of that parasite!

“I can’t simply call it forward,” Cazar said, his voice rising as he began to pace around the small clearing they’d found themselves in. “Toroq does what it wants, it always has.”

“Well, he betterwantto get the fuck out here because I have some questions that need answering. Pronto!”

Like how any of this made a lick of sense. A ‘ceremony’ performed during the highest peak of the moons in the night sky? And sexual release was the only way for Toroq to leave? What kind of bullshit was that?

And why did the idea make her feel so hot? Was this tapping into some kind of unknown primal kink she never knew she had? Getting chased by a monster was supposed to be terrifying, not arousing. But it wasn’t a monster, it was Toroq. And like it or not, she’d definitely begun to associate sex with him, which was making her thoughts all jumbled as she tried to grasp what was supposed to happen next.

Cazar ran a hand down his face. “Perhaps if you ask, it will tell me and I can relay the message.”

“Oh, so apparently I’m good enough to chase through the jungle and fuck, but I can’t get two words out of him otherwise?” She threw her hands into the air. “None of this makes sense, Cazar. None of it! Before, he was all about staying with you forever, and now all of a sudden, he’s done? Because you insulted him? He was mean to you, too! What a freaking baby!”

And why did the thought of Toroq leaving voluntarily cause a rush of emotion to well up inside her? She found herself feeling sad, and angry, and pissed off that he’d put her in this position. Put thembothin this position. And just when Cazar was beginning to rethink his decision.

“It answered,” Cazar’s gruff voice floated over to her, and Evie spun around. “It said this ceremony was for the best, and it would spare you this, if it could.”

“Oh, well that’s reassuring,” she snapped.

Cazar prowled toward her, pulling her into his arms and holding her there until she finally relaxed against him. His touch was warm as his arms circled her frame, large hands running tenderly up and down her spine.