It had given him gifts that he never would have dreamed of before. And now that he was finally gaining control and clarity, it was impossible not to see the benefits to its presence. Not only that, what if he needed its abilities in the future? Toroq had been right; it was how Cazar had protected Evie so readily, and despite his mate’s assurances that he could do the same without its aid, Cazar wasn’t a warrior.

He was a scientist. A scholar.

He also wasn’t sure how to analyze the villager’s other remarks about Toroq being partially bonded to Evie. Bonded wasn’tmated, but it was unnerving that Cazar was unaware of how such a thing had happened. What did it mean, exactly? And how would it affect Evie if he took that away from her?

She’d told him several times that she accepted who he was, that Toroq was an extension of himself. That meant, at least in his eyes, that she harbored fond feelings for the parasite, which he knew were more than reciprocated.

Was casting Toroq out the wrong choice?

The villager answered Evie’s question, pulling Cazar from his thoughts. “There is a ceremony that must be completed in order to purge thefhultofrom your mate’s body safely, and to break the connection that has begun to form between you and thefhulto,“ the villager explained.

“What does the ceremony entail?” Evie asked tightly.

The villager tilted its head again, its long, thin tongue darting out. “You must lead thefhultoto where the moons shine brightest tonight.”

“That sounds oddly romantic,” Alex whispered to Kylok, who grunted in agreement.

Evie rolled her eyes at the pair. “What happens after I lead it there?”

“You allow it to hunt you and then to capture you beneath the moons’ rays. Only then can the connection be severed.”

“And now it’s so much less romantic,” Alex whispered again.

Cazar narrowed his eyes. He needed to hunt Evie through the jungle? No, not him.Toroq.

“How does that sever the connection?” Evie asked in disbelief, swallowing thickly. Her scent was a mixture of fear and budding interest, something that had Cazar’s head tilting curiously. She wasn’t repulsed by the idea?

“It will be purged from the host through sexual release once you are captured.”

Evie let out a faint choked sound, her face paling as Cazar pulled her close, fury exploding from inside of him.

“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

But Cazar already knew the answer, his grip tightening protectively around Evie’s waist.

You perverse fuck, Cazar spat silently at the parasite.It isn’t enough that you’ve shared her, now you want her to yourself?

It remained quiet, but he could sense it listening in.

“We’ll refuse the ceremony,” Cazar stated. “Thefhultowill remain with me.”

The villager sighed before speaking to Cazar. “It was adamant that it be rid of you, one way or another.”

Cazar shook his head. “You said that before, but there must be a mistake. It told me that it would never leave me.”

The villager sighed. “And you called it a burden. You laid insults at its feet after it protected you and your woman multiple times. It wishes to leave since it is not welcome.”

“Then it can go,” Cazar snapped. “But the ceremony you’re referring to is ridiculous. I won’t allow Evie to go through with something like that.”

Just then, images filled his head of Evie in the moonlight, fleeing from Cazar. Of him hunting her, grabbing her, taking her to the ground and shredding her clothes before he made love to her passionately while the soft glow from the moons above kissed her creamy skin.

The images filtering through his head weren’t his, though. Toroq was placing them there. They were impossible to ignore, and each image was more revealing than the next. The parasite wanted Cazar to know what it had planned.

Despite his resolve, lust trickled in at the thought of being a part of something like that, of claiming Evie so possessively, so dominantly. He’d scented her interest just now, and he had a feeling she wouldn’t turn him down in that situation.

But it wouldn’t be Cazar–

Yes, it will be you. Both of us and her. Together. You’ll experience everything as I do,Toroq whispered in his mind.