Her mouth dropped open in shock, a croak of disbelief escaping.

What the fuck? That was terrifying and… kind of sweet of it to spare Cazar for her feelings. Why was that so endearing and horrible all at once?

“I’m pretty sure I would remember mating a parasite,” Evie replied with a slightly manic laugh.

“Mating is not the same for every being on each planet,” Cazar said with a shake of his head. “Humans marry. Aragnokans mate with a bite, a claim mark. I’m unsure how the parasite mates, but it was confident that you and it were bonded.”

“Okay.” Evie drew out the word, reeling from shock. “Well if it requires an exchange of bites, we definitely haven’t mated.” She paused. “Wait. Is the mating between us sealed by a bite or by blood?”

“For Aragnokans it is a bite.”

“Do you know of other creatures that mate through blood?”

Cazar nodded.

Evie gulped. “Is it the blood specifically that’s required or is itotherfluids from the person? Does it matter?”

Cazar stiffened. “You feel that by ingesting my semen you may have mated yourself to it?”

“Saying ‘ingesting my semen’ makes me never want to put anything of yours in my mouth ever again. But I am curious if it’s possible,” she rambled on, feeling suddenly lightheaded.

Hadn’t she seen Cazar’s eyes turning black while he’d been eating her out? Not once. Not twice. But almost every single time. Even if it was just a flicker. And she didn’t have to wonder if it had been the same while she’d been giving him blow jobs.

Cazar was silent at her side, which was unfortunately the dreadful confirmation that she really didn’t want.

She’d mated with Toroq?! No. That was impossible. She’d have known, right? If it was real, she would know. She would...

“What does that mean for you? Can you still remove him if he’s mated me?”

“I don’t know,” he answered quietly.

A few hours later, after catching up with Kylok and Alex, they found themselves standing on the outskirts of a village. Night had settled over them, but there were campfires burning ahead, illuminating several small buildings erected around a short fenced-in area, which allowed the women to see their surroundings much better than before.

The village looked peaceful, and extremely small. Evie couldn’t imagine more than a handful of people lived here, if they were of a similar build to humans or Aragnokans, anyway.

As they approached, she could make out the details more clearly. Huts were built from thick tree branches, but instead of hay or tall grass acting as rooftops and padded siding, giant leaves lined the roofs, adding a bit of color to the otherwise dark structures.

Kylok held the holopad out in front of him. “It’s detecting two lifeforms from within the village.”

“But there are five huts,” Alex said questioningly. “And you picked up five people on the holopad this morning.”

“Yes. Either the other inhabitants died a few hours ago, or they are out. Likely hunting.”

“Now is probably the best time to enter then,” Evie said. “Who wants to venture there first?” She cast a pointed glance at Kylok and Cazar.

She’d already been almost eaten by one thing on this planet. She wasn’t about to venture into the dark, seemingly empty village first.

Cazar vaulted the short fence easily, turning back to the group and motioning for Evie to step forward. She did so reluctantly, and he leaned over the wooden railing that sat at waist height, plucking her up and over until she was standing beside him.

He’d grown even more silent and surly the further they’d traveled after their talk, eventually falling into a brooding mood, glaring at anything and everything.

“We don’t have to do this if you need more time,” she told Cazar quietly, cupping his face. He looked down at her and his features softened. “I’m serious, baby. If you want to turn back then let’s just go. We can camp out another night and return just as easily tomorrow.”

Kylok climbed the fence, helping Alex over shortly after. All the while Cazar searched her face, as if she held the answers he so desperately needed. But she didn’t. Whatever he decided was his choice, not hers. Not anyone else’s.

“I would at least like to consult with someone from Lorshna tonight,” he finally stated, his voice lacking the quiet confidence she’d grown used to lately.

Evie pulled Cazar down for a quick kiss, tenderly brushing his lips with hers.