As he stared into her dazzling blue eyes, there was a roaring in Cazar’s ears, and his heart beat hard in his chest, the pressure increasing the longer he stared at her, transfixed. He felt as if he was being spun rapidly in a circle until he was dizzy, and the only thing keeping him from tumbling into madness was Evie. She was there, grounding him.

Was this what it felt like? To fall completely in love with someone? Love came in a rush and left him completely disoriented. It was heady. All encompassing. And he wanted to remain in the warmth and tenderness he felt here with her forever.

“I hope I can provide you with more than a few reasons to enjoy your life with me as time passes,” he told her seriously, his thumb brushing over her knuckles in a tender caress.

There was a shrill beeping from the front of the cockpit, followed by a jarring motion as their ship began its final descent onto Lorsha. Evie dropped his hand, grabbing the edges of her seat as she squeezed her eyes shut.

“I don’t think I’m fond of the landings with these smaller spaceships!” she exclaimed nervously.

Cazar didn’t get a chance to reassure her that all was well before they suddenly touched down with a small thud. The beeping calmed, and an automated voice sounded from overhead.

“Please check safety protocols before beginning your journey onto the planet’s surface. Information on how to handle various emergencies while exploring the planet is being uploaded to your holopad.”

Evie’s eyes popped open. “That was it? There was barely any turbulence!”

“Of course,” Cazar told her smugly. “Did you think I would procure a cheap vessel?” He was a leading scientist on Aragnok, and had tens of millions of credits saved. Even if he’d never left the planet until now, he wouldn’t have trusted a rust bucket to travel through space.

Evie shook her head at him in disbelief, her lips curling into a sensual smile as he unbuckled himself from his seat. He moved toward her to help her do the same. “Someone seems a little cocky this morning,” she joked.

“I am not cocky,” he answered with a gruff laugh, helping her to her feet. He palmed her cheek, gazing down at her adoringly.

“That’s too bad,” Evie said wistfully. “I kind of like yourcock–iness.“ She cupped him through his pants, applying the sweetest of pressure to his shaft. Cazar groaned when she began to stroke him through the material.

Cazar dropped back into his seat, dragging Evie with him until she was kneeling between his legs. “It’s rude to tease your mate,” he informed her with a soft growl.

“It is?” Evie unzipped his pants, pulling his stiff cock out a moment later. “We should probably do something about it then.” She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, squeezing gently. “I don’t want you distracted while we’re out exploring.”

Before he could answer, Evie took him into her hot, wet mouth.

It was nearly an hour later when they departed from the spacecraft.

Chapter 16

Thefourofthemset foot on the planet without any issue, and the first thing Evie noticed was the vast difference between Lorshna and Aragnok.

Cazar’s home planet was consumed by darkness for several months of the year, but apparently, when the darkness lifted, it was still very dim. She hadn’t seen it for herself yet, but it sounded interesting. Their sun supposedly cast a pinkish hue across the planet, almost as if you were seeing Aragnok through some tinted sunglasses. The plant life was teeming with glowing veins, orangish reds and bright purples lending Aragnok a beautifully monstrous feel.

But Lorshna?

The first thing Evie noticed was how much green vegetation surrounded them. It was almost like they’d landed in a jungle somewhere on Earth. And if she couldn’t currently see several nearby planets hovering in the atmosphere whenever she looked high into the sky, she might have believed for a moment that she was back home.

Kylok and Alex were leading the charge, with Cazar and Evie trailing along behind. She and Alex had insisted on carrying their own large rucksacks through the jungle to offset the ones their mates were already wearing on their backs, but Cazar and Kylok had simply laughed at them both before tossing the additional packs over their shoulders with ease.

Evie wanted to roll her eyes, but she did find the endearment sweet. Plus, she knew she’d be exhausted by the time they either found what they were looking for or set up camp for the evening. Besides, Cazar was part giant, part hulking parasite, and his stamina lasted days, at least it did in the bedroom. He’d be totally fine with two packs.

A few hours passed in relative silence, although Cazar did take time out of his musings to point out certain plants to Evie. He explained to her their properties, how each one could be prepared and what ailments they soothed. Some plants were foreign to him as well, and he took the time to render a 3D scan of them via his holopad so that he might study them at another time.

It was endearing, seeing this studious side of her mate, and it reminded her of the day he’d so innocently shown her Joe. Cazar had been so excited and enamored about the prospect of learning all he could about the parasite; he probably never anticipated that his knowledge would come with such a steep price. But looking at him now, he seemed more than content as they trekked through the jungle.

“I’m surprised we haven’t seen any animals,” Alex called over her shoulder, looking up into the branches interlinking overhead. “In our jungles back home, there are all kinds of animals that can blend in with their surroundings. Even jungle cats will hide high up in the trees, camouflaging almost perfectly with the branches until they strike.”

They were moving in a single file, with Kylok leading, and then Alex, followed by Cazar, who was scanning their surroundings intently. His shoulders stiffened the deeper they walked into the jungle, and Evie frowned, immediately on edge as he quickened his pace. He seemed fidgety and anxious. What was going on with him?

“That’s a cool fact, and this isnotthe place I’d like to learn that,“ Evie joked.

She stepped into a puddle of mud a second later, her foot sinking down a few inches.Fan-freaking-tastic. She sidestepped the puddle with her other foot, but when she began to move to catch up to the group, she realized that she was stuck.

Her foot wouldn’t budge from the mud.