Kylok strummed his fingers on the cockpit’s control panel. “That is good. I know you and Evie are meant to be together, and I didn’t want any more obstacles to come between you and you’re mating.”

Cazar sighed. “I know.”

“And the parasite didn’t cause any trouble? It seems to be as obsessed with your mate as you are; I can’t imagine it didn’t provide some difficulty.”

Cazar stilled, unsure of how much detail he should provide. “There were times when I could hear it in my head. Only a few words and then it was gone. Aside from that, I’m not sure.”

Kylok gazed at him, unblinking. “Gone? Or was it just lurking beneath the surface?”

Cazar blinked, uncertain, and the thought plagued him for the remainder of the day.

Chapter 15


Cazar shook his head at his mate’s question, reaching for Evie’s hand and bringing it to his lips.

They were seated in the cockpit, strapped into their seats as the spaceship began its descent into Lorshna’s atmosphere. Kylok and Alex had decided to remain in their rooms since the cockpit could only hold so many people. Cazar suspected they also wanted more time alone before they began their expedition on the planet below. That worked out well, as he also wanted time alone with his mate.

He kissed Evie’s knuckles tenderly, watching in satisfaction as a delicate blush stained her cheeks.

“I’m not nervous,” Cazar reassured her. “I feel... anticipation, though I’m unsure if it’s my own or thatthing’s.”

The past few days aboard the ship had been interesting, to say the least. Cazar couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever felt so carefree. Even before the parasite had taken root inside of him, he’d always been more reserved. Unsettled.

His mind had never truly felt calm. There was always one discovery after the next waiting for him. Always a problem that needed solving. An experiment that needed testing.

Perhaps it was his mating with Evie that now grounded Cazar, but he found it highly suspicious that the parasite that had been causing such turmoil and chaos within his mind was suddenly dormant since he had claimed her. It had been pestering him for weeks, each day growing stronger as he ignored the ache in his heart for Evie. It had driven him to the point of madness on more than one occasion, demanding he take her and make her theirs.

But it hadn’t risen to the surface since that first night they’d mated. Not as it usually did. The voice badgering him was gone, almost as if it had never been, and his vision rarely ever shifted to gray. His emotions were his own, never frightening him with the intensity of them as it had before.

“I’m pretty sure Joe wouldn’t be feeling anticipation about getting evicted,” Evie joked. Her brow furrowed a moment later and she looked away, seemingly lost in thought.

“Evie, are you alright?”

“Hm? Oh, yep,” she said brightly, giving him a small smile before she intertwined their fingers.

“Areyouanxious about visiting the planet?“ Cazar asked, hoping to ease the nerves he could see dancing across her features. “The atmosphere is stable enough to breathe without requiring any technological assistance. If you’re afraid of alien life forms, don’t worry. I won’t let anything harm you.”

Evie squeezed his hand. “I’m not worried about that. I know you’ll protect me if there’s trouble.”

“Then what is it?”

Evie exhaled, looking away and then back to him. “I know you’re worried about not being able to get rid of the parasite. But part of me is worried about what will happen if you do.”

Cazar sat back in his seat, shocked. “What do you mean?”

She winced. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s selfish of me.”

“Evie,” Cazar began softly, tempted to unfasten his seatbelt so he could crouch at her feet. If he wasn’t so worried about being flung about the cabin as they landed then he would have. “I don’t want you to keep anything from me, especially when it comes to your concerns.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, as if she were afraid of saying the wrong thing. “When we talked the other night about how you thought I won’t have the same feelings for you when it’s justyou… Well, I think I feel the same way, in a sense.”

Cazar shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

“What if the parasite has been amplifying how you feel about me? And once it’s gone, what if you lose interest?” Her voice trembled on the last word. Despite her concerns, Cazar couldn’t help the snort of laughter, and his shoulders slumped in relief at her preposterous question.

“That wasn’t supposed to be funny,” Evie admonished, glaring right at him. She even tried to tug her hand away, but he held onto her, refusing to relinquish any ounce of his sweet mate.