“You know that’s what lions have,” Alex said excitedly.

Evie’s eyes widened and she dropped her hands. “I don’t– Why would someone justknowthat?”

Alex snorted. “Catalina, my little sister, is absolutely obsessed with the zoo near our house. One year I saved up and bought us a family pass so we could go whenever she wanted. I remember reading about it on the information plaques outside the lion enclosure. A barb is something that protrudes from the penis and locks inside the female as the males ejaculate, holding the female to him. It can kind of force ovulation, but I think it’s supposed to be painful.”

Evie flushed again.

His barb had been a bit painful at first. Just a sharp sting. But Cazar had kept her so horny that all the pain did was feed her own desire until she was orgasming in his arms. Now she really liked the feel of his barb, mostly because she associated it with immense pleasure.

Evie cleared her throat, adjusting in her seat.

She didn’t want to talk about this anymore until she and Cazar had a chance to sit down and discuss some things. But how would she broach the ‘Joe’ subject? What if she was wrong and it had only been her and Cazar together?

Or what if she was right and Cazar’s buddy had been tagging along for their sexcapades? Cazar would absolutely freak out, and Evie really didn’t want a backward spiral. Surely he would have known if the parasite had been sharing her. Right?

Another thing that was beginning to worry her; if Joe had been taking part of their fervent, lust-filled evening, what if he was also feeding into Cazar’s emotions, heightening her mate’s desire for her? Was it possible that Joe could affect Cazar like that?

And if so, what was going to happen if he removed the parasite? Would Cazar still want her? If Evie kept thinking about this, she was going to rip her hair out. She decided to change the subject.

“Have you been able to contact Catalina? I know you’ve been missing her.”

Alex bit her lower lip, leaning back in her chair. She looked haunted for a moment before shaking her head.

“I think my mom has been blocking the call. I’ve tried a few times when I’ve obtained permission to use Aragnokan technology to call home, and I never get an answer. But Kylok has a friend, Daemon? He’s still on Earth, so when he has some free time, he is planning on stopping by my old house to visit with Cat and see if she is interested in speaking with me.”

“I’m sure she is,” Evie said immediately. “You’re amazing, and what you did to save your sister was selfless. Catalina will be so relieved to hear your voice and know that you are okay.”

“I just wish I’d known the Aragnokans were planning on having families come visit sooner. Maybe Daemon could have seen if Cat could travel here. She did just have surgery though, so intergalactic travel is probably not advisable.”

Evie glanced up sharply. “Families are coming to visit?” Why didn’t she know about this?

Alex smiled apologetically.

“It’s mostly the families of the women that volunteered in the first few waves before us. I honestly just found out about it before we boarded the ship, and you were already hiding so I couldn’t tell you. It completely slipped my mind until now, sorry.”

“That’s okay.” Alex already knew all about Evie’s sordid past with Stephen, and she was aware that her brother was her only real family. “I don’t think Tristan would be able to take leave from the military and come visit me, anyway.”

Alex reached out, taking Evie’s hand. “You never know. I’m still surprised the Aragnokan government is allowing any humans to come visit considering the fiasco last month. I’m sure you’ll see Tristan again before you know it.” She squeezed Evie’s hand once before letting go.

“I hope this show of peace goes better than the last time.” Evie didn’t think tensions could be any higher between the two planets than they were right now.

Alex snorted. “I don’t think it could go any worse.” She stood. “Should we go check on our mates?”

“And you performed this all correctly?” Kylok asked again, eyeing Cazar warily. “You were not lacking in any way?”

Cazar groaned, running a hand down his face. “If this talk is designed to make me feel adequate as a male, I don’t believe it’s working.”

Kylok huffed. “Answer the question.”

“Yes! Evie was appreciative of my efforts!” Cazar exclaimed, his face heating. “Do not ask me for any details as it’s private.” And each thought of Evie naked beneath him stirred up a barely contained lust, making Cazar feel more feral with every second he spent away from her.

He had assumed a bit of distance would be good for them, just to test the waters. And it seemed he was at his capacity for time and space away from his mate. He wanted her with him. Now.

Kylok nodded. “Excellent. I’ve read these human books of Alejandra’s and if the human males are unsuccessful in pleasuring their women, they are often dumped as mates.”

Cazar clenched his teeth, ignoring the muscle that jumped in his cheek as his body went taut with tension. “I won’t have to worry about that, believe me.”

Evie had been satisfied on a number of occasions, he was certain. In fact, before this little pep talk with Kylok, Cazar had assumed he’d had nothing to worry about.