That was when she’d broken up with him, terrified of the behavior he’d displayed. Consequently, that was also around the same time she’d found out that Stephen had bugged her house with hidden cameras so he could monitor her without her knowledge.

She hadn’t even been suspicious of such gross behavior, but after she’d broken up with him she’d accidentally knocked a vase over in her bedroom. She’d been horrified to discover a small camera within the vase itself, and had torn her house apart looking for more.

She’d found several cameras and microphones hidden throughout her house. As soon as she’d gotten rid of them all, Stephen had become far worse and open with his stalking. Showing up at her house at all hours of the day, threatening her neighbors, etc.

And after the cops refused to let her file a restraining order? That had left Evie with no other choice than to take matters into her own hands. So she’d bided her time and prepared for the inevitable; assuming correctly that Stephen’s behavior would escalate as time went on without any repercussions for his actions.

Evie could admit that knocking Stephen unconscious when he’d broken into her house had probably not been the smartest idea. Nor had tying him to a chair, waiting for him to wake up, and then tasering him in the balls until he’d pissed himself.

In her defense, she was sick and tired of all his bullshit. Of feeling scared every morning when she woke up for the last several months. She just hadn’t anticipated him screaming like a little bitch so loudly that her neighbors had heard and called the police.

“You’ll be on the next ship out. I hope you won’t make a fuss,” Senator Keesler finished, interrupting Evie’s thoughts. She’d been so stuck in her own head that she hadn’t even heard what he was yapping on about.

What is he saying about a ship?

“I’m sorry?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard of how Aragnok needs women to birth their horrendous offspring. You’ve graciously volunteered to become a host to their needs.”


“Aragnok? You’re out of your fucking mind!” she exclaimed.

About a year ago, Earth had essentially been invaded by aliens.Aliens.

They’d connected directly with the United States government, brokering a peace of sorts, all with the intention of taking women volunteers back to their home planet to help them repopulate. So far it had been a peaceful operation, and every day, aliens on Earth seemed to be a more common occurrence.

Evie had never considered volunteering. In fact, despite the absurdity of it all, she had barely even thought about the aliens once she knew they were peaceful. She’d been too enamored with Stephen to even think of leaving him to go have alien babies, and since they’d broken up, she’d essentially been living in a state of fear, afraid that whatever move she made would cause him to lash out at her.

Senator Keesler smirked as he pulled a folder from in between the seats of the car, holding it out to her.

“You can take a look at the copy of the paperwork. It’s all here. Signed by you and notarized to verify that this is, in fact, your signature.”

“I didn’t sign anything,” she whispered angrily, refusing to take the proffered folder. The senator only smiled, shaking it gently as he waited for her to make a move.

Evie’s hands shook as she eventually took the folder, opening it cautiously. Her fingers tightened along the edges and her heart stopped when she noticed her bold, flowy signature at the bottom of the volunteer sheet.

“I didn’t do this,” she repeated almost numbly, panic constricting her throat and causing her stomach to twist painfully.

Senator Keesler laughed lightly as the car slowed to a stop, leaning forward to pat her knee like some skeevy grandpa at a family function. “Don’t be ridiculous.Yousigned it, Evadora. And if you say you didn’t to anyone else but me then I’m afraid those dropped charges will quickly escalate from aggravated assault to kidnapping, battery, and a few more little things that I can dream up to guarantee you spend the rest of your life behind bars. I could even have you charged with attempted murder since your actions landed my only son in the hospital.”

“What?” she asked, her voice threadbare with terror. “But I have proof that he’s been harassing me, and I acted in self defense when he broke into my house! I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“You could have caused permanent nerve damage with your little stunt.” Senator Keesler sighed dramatically before continuing. “I’m afraid whatever ‘proof’ you had was unfortunately misplaced. Indefinitely. The only evidence left is a text message you sent, inviting my son over for dinner before you callously and maliciously attacked him without provocation. You’re lucky I managed to keep this out of the news,” he added condescendingly.

“It didn’t happen like that at all, you son of a bitch!” Evie exclaimed. Had he really planted fake text messages?

Senator Keesler shrugged. “With no proof, I’m afraid people will be more inclined to believe my son.”

He couldn’t do this, right? There was no way. And yet, he’d found someone to forge her signature perfectly. He’d even gotten it notarized as a legal document. If she told Senator Keesler to go fuck himself and went home, she knew for certain she’d be arrested again. And how was she going to fight embellished charges like that?

She couldn’t afford a lawyer, not one capable enough to combat him and his evil minions, anyway. She worked at a clothing shop, earning her income from the commission she made selling designer products. It paid her bills and left her with a bit of pocket change after, but not enough for a top-notch lawyer.

She was screwed.

Evie pried her eyes away from the folder, staring at Senator Keesler and the smug, conceited look on his face.

He knew he’d backed her into a corner.