“What are you going to do?” she asked Alex, who looked at her in confusion. “I thought you and Kylok promised to never separate again after the whole coma incident? Are you going to be okay without him here?”

Alex winced, casting Evie a nervous look. “Oh, yes, I’ll be fine, but mostly because I’m going with him.”

“What?“ Evie would have spilled her drink again if it was still in her hand. “And Cazar is cool with it?”

Alex shrugged. “I have no idea. Kylok didn’t ask him, but I would hope his brother knows better than to think Kylok would leave me behind.”

Evie nearly wailed in despair.

Cazar probably wouldn’t think like that because he’d fully intended on leaving Evie alone on Aragnok while he gallivanted across the universe.

Why was it all of a sudden safe for Kylok and Alex to be near him but not Evie? She was the one who could stop Joe if he caused trouble. She was the one both Cazar and Joe listened to.

She would be an asset by being there with them.

“So,” Evie began nonchalantly, drumming her fingers on the table, “when exactly are you leaving?”

Alex’s lips quirked, and she studied Evie for several moments. Suddenly, her friend pointed at her accusingly. “That’s your plotting face! What are you planning?”

“What?Nothing.“ Evie shrugged.

“Oh my God, youareplanning something! It’s about time, girl. What is it?”

“How big is that ship, and is there room for one more?”

Chapter 10

Ittooklongerthananticipated before they finally boarded the ship Kylok had procured with Cazar’s money and left Aragnok’s atmosphere, flying headlong into space. Kylok had been delayed for one reason or another, and now it was nearly midday as their journey truly began.

One of the delays had been Alex coming along with them. Cazar hadn’t been happy with the news, but considering Kylok was going out of his way to help him, he thought better than to question his brother’s decision. He’d simply keep to himself as often as possible. The ship was big enough to do so without issue.

Cazar was exhausted, mostly from lack of sleep, and as he relaxed in one of the small lounging areas just off from the serving kitchens, he couldn’t help but catch traces of Evie’s delectable scent each time he inhaled.

Alex was close with her, so it stood to reason that Evie’s scent might trickle through the air from her clothing. But Cazar hadn’t expected it to be this strong, or to make him ache with want. It was an aphrodisiac that haunted his senses, leaving him longing for more.

Luckily, he’d brought chains with him on this journey. He planned to shackle his limbs to the bed at night, just in case his yearning for Evie grew too strong to resist. He doubted the parasite could fly the ship back to Aragnok, but it could bite off Kylok’s head in a fit of rage. It was best not to risk that.

A small laugh drew his attention to his brother and his mate as they spoke intimately with one another as they entered the room, dropping down into their own booth. Alex sat on Kylok’s lap, planting small kisses on his lips and chin and then teasing him about one thing or another before doing it again.

As he observed them whispering tenderly amongst themselves, Cazar felt a peculiar stab of jealousy hit him directly in the chest.

He wanted that with Evie; that easy comfort and familiarity that his brother had with his mate. That tenderness and affection that was wholly reserved for one person alone. But instead of doing what he could to see that come to light over these past several weeks, he’d been hiding.

Forcing himself to live like an outcast among his people. Among his family. Among his mate. He’d pushed her away, but he should have been seeking her solace, finding comfort in her arms instead of struggling alone.

It was easy for him to regret his decisions now that thousands of miles separated him from her. It also helped him to think clearly now that the parasite inside his head had quieted immediately upon boarding the ship. The damned creature knew that its time was nearing an end within Cazar, and now it was sulking.

That was fine with him. The sooner it was gone, the sooner he’d be able to return to Evie, to court her properly. No other Aragnokan males would ever lustfully glance in her direction again. He would make it known to the entire planet that she was his. It was big talk for someone as painfully shy as he was, but if he could venture off planet to eliminate a threat to their mating, he could step outside of his own limitations and do better.

For her.

Another laugh from Alex sent Cazar quickly to his feet. He might be happy for his brother, but he felt miserable and full of self-pity. He quietly bid them both farewell and retired to his room, needing a respite.

The ship they were on was fairly small compared to other vessels. There were two bedrooms, a serving kitchen, a few lounging areas, and the cockpit, but Cazar didn’t plan on spending any time in there. He’d never spent time on a spaceship before, he didn’t have any urge to wander about his surroundings.

Keeping to himself, alone in his rooms, was the best option for everyone aboard. He’d even brought several different holotablets to pass the time since it would take them a week to reach Lorshna. Perhaps with the parasite lying dormant in his head, he might actually be able to focus on work again.

Cazar stepped into his room, and as the door slid closed behind him, he was hit with Evie’s delicious scent once more. His cock hardened painfully, and before Cazar knew it, he was undressing, desperate to relieve the tension that had been building inside of him ever since he had last seen his delectable mate.