“Your Earth humor is quite exquisite.” Cituro leaned into her space and Evie grimaced, flinching when he reached up to touch her chin. His fingers locked around her jaw, turning her head a little too forcefully so he could look into her eyes. Immediately she felt nervous, remembering how Stephen used to touch her like this; like he owned her. “I want to get to know everything else that is exquisite about you,” he encouraged quietly, and she honestly felt like she was going to throw up the remnants of her latte all over him.

Did this guy even hear himself?

Evie grabbed his wrist, shoving his hand away from her.

“Keep your hands to yourself–” she began hotly, only to be cut off when the door slid open and Cazar came barreling through.

He snatched Cituro up by the neck. Less than a second later, Cazar’s body shifted right before her eyes, growing in size.

Joe had come out to play.

Chapter 6

“Keepyourhandstoyourself,” Evie shouted as the front door opened for Cazar. Her sweet scent filled his lungs, but even that wasn’t enough to calm him as he scented her rising unease and the male’s desire as he touched her. The male was placing his hands on a woman who did not wish for his affection.

Cazar’swoman; hismate.

In an instant, Cazar became nearly mindless with rage. He brushed past Evie and leapt at Cituro, effectively removing the male from her immediate vicinity.

Cituro was a pompous, arrogant brute, and Cazar wanted him nowhere near her. She was far too precious, too good for the likes of this idiot, something the other male clearly didnotunderstand. And the fact that Cituro had dared to touch Evie’s beautiful skin–

Cazar felt the shift in his mind as the parasite pushed its way to the surface, and instead of beating the creature back, Cazar embraced it. Welcomed it, even. He allowed its fury to match his own, both beings blending together until he couldn’t tell where his emotions began and the parasite’s tapered off.

Gone was the scientist who sought reason and order. Now he was a male protecting his mate from an interloper. An intruder that clearly sought something carnal from her, if the pheromones leaking from Cituro’s pores meant anything. The male had attempted to mark her in some fashion with his own scent. Had tried to take her away fromthem.

Cazar felt the change begin immediately. His muscles expanded, his height increased, his skin shifted from Aragnokan gray to parasite black, and his vision lost its color.

His other senses came alive, too, something Cazar thought couldn’t improve anymore than they already had. And yet, it felt like everything was more enhanced than before.

Even more astounding, he didn’t lose consciousness as the parasite took hold of him. He was alert, wholly focused on their prey as Cituro’s neck fit nicely in his palm, so close to crushing the vermin’s windpipe with one easy flex of their fingers.

He felt the parasite’s presence more prominently than ever as they shared the space in Cazar’s mind. They were of one thought when it came to this moment. Evie’s safety mattered more than their continuous inability to function as a single, cohesive unit. Cazar wasn’t sure if he was in control or the parasite was; they moved in sync, lifting Cituro high into the air. His feet dangled, and he gasped for breath.

The sound was magnificent, and as his grip tightened, Cazar felt a primal sense of satisfaction surge through his entire being at knowing this male was no match for him. He was nothing but a speck of cells and flesh clumped together.


Cazar chuckled, the sound guttural and evil. A moment later, Cituro pissed himself, the scent of it rancid in the air. As it dripped from Cituro’s legs and onto the ground, Cazar couldn’t help but find gratification in knowing this male feared him.Good,the parasite whispered insidiously.Let his fear be his last thought for daring to touch our Evie.

Cazar’s eyes widened in shock. Before, he could only catch glimpses of words and vague whispers from the parasite, but just now, he’d heard it more clearly than ever.


“Cazar, stop!” Evie exclaimed, her captivating voice drawing his attention from their prey. She gazed at him beseechingly, repeating his name again softly as she stepped forward.

His lust for vengeance ebbed as she drew near. Immediately, his hold on the weaker male loosened, and he chuffed in frustration, though the noise wasn’t of his own doing. The parasite wanted to eat the male, to tear him limb from limb for daring to be so bold with Evie. Unfortunately, Cazar agreed with its idea.

“Don’t you dare sass me,” she warned, grabbing onto his wrist, completely unphased that she was courting danger. “Let go of him.”

He looked down as the parasite hummed in pleasure at her touch. It was enraptured by her, dropping the male to the ground when her grip tightened against their flesh. It liked that she commanded it. Spoke to it.

It took a step toward her, leaning down until it was in her face.

Cazar struggled harder against the other being as he felt its obsession with Evie grow. Now that Cituro was a crying mess on the ground, and Cazar’s own fury had ebbed, he once again wanted it to vanish.

He didn’t want Evie anywhere near the parasite either, but he’d been so blinded by protecting her from Cituro that he’d failed to understand that he was bringing the real threat right to her.

The parasite ripped away some of Cazar’s control before he could force the creature back, snarling silently at him for ruining this moment. Exasperation flared in his mind before the parasite licked the side of her face. Its long tongue teased her flesh, allowing Cazar to taste how perfect she was.