Cazar merely shrugged, not in the mood to argue the subject with his brother.

“Father also told me the parasite is noticeable on your skin. Can I see it?” Kylok asked.

Cazar nodded hesitantly. “Very well.” He turned from Kylok, pulling up his shirt and exposing the entirety of his back.

He was surprised when Kylok only grunted in response. When he’d shown Jakkar, his father had sucked in a harsh breath, said a prayer to their gods, and had excused himself for several minutes before returning, pretending as though the situation was fine.

Cazar knew howinterestingit looked, like an onyx tattoo the size of his hand. Except, unlike a tattoo, it never rested in one specific place upon his back, constantly shifting. It varied in size, too, which he didn’t understand yet. And it preferred to linger on his shoulders more so than anywhere else. At first, he could feel it. Every movement it made across his skin was like worms slithering there, but as the days passed, it had faded away to nothing.

“Was it like this on the other male?” Kylok asked.

Cazar shook his head. “No, it was stuck to the warrior like the leeches of Earth, and had been simple enough to remove.” He pulled his shirt back down and turned to face his brother, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

Kylok didn’t hesitate as he said, “If you believe this can be removed without injuring you, I trust in your judgment. I’ll head into the capitol and see what planets the warrior had been on prior to his return. It should be no true issue to use my rank and status to discover his whereabouts.”

“I know that it wasn’t the Gushla system,” Cazar offered, relieved that Kylok was willing to help. “That was the warrior’s last assignment before returning to Aragnok, but after some research, I was able to determine the parasite is not a native to that planet. When I spoke to the warrior regarding it a few days after he’d recovered, he told me he was unaware of where it had come from.”

Cazar wasn’t sure if he necessarily believed that, but the male had been adamant and nervous. At the time, Cazar hadn’t felt the need to pry.

Kylok nodded. “I’ll see what I can discover, and we’ll go from there. But whatever happens, just know that we’re all here for you, little brother. You’re not alone in this, despite how you may feel right now.”

“It’s the fact that I’mnotalone that is causing the issue,“ Cazar answered tiredly, tapping the side of his head gently.

Kylok opened his mouth to respond, but the holoscreen on Cazar’s desk flashed while, at the same time, a chime sounded overhead.

There was someone at the door, and Cazar knew exactly who it was.


She always came by, but typically Cazar avoided his office so he couldn’t see her beautiful face enticing him on the holoscreen. But this time, he couldn’t help but take a step closer as the holoscreen flashed again before turning on, displaying the entrance to his home.

Longing and desire roared within him as Evie appeared.

And quickly that desire turned to fury and his vision clouded to gray. Because she wasn’t alone. There was a male with her, cupping her face tenderly.


And Cazar was going to kill him.

Evie knew she shouldn’t have allowed Cituro, a senator’s son, to escort her to Cazar’s front door.

He was one of the same men who’d approached her the other day, hoping to take her on an Aragnokan version of a date. She had declined him immediately, even though she was dying to know what ‘dating’ was like on this planet. She would love to be wined and dined, Aragnokan style.

Just not by Cituro.

Cordelia and Delilah had seemed unaware of most of the traditions when it came to dating, though Cordelia did warn Evie away from some sort of worm soup dish that sounded awful.

Still, Evie wasn’t going to act interested in this guy. Or any other one, for that matter. She thought she had been pretty clear in her dismissal of him before, but apparently she needed to tell him to get lost again. Cituro wasn’t the Aragnokan she wanted to see.

It was bad enough that he’d been waiting in the driveway of Cazar’s home when her transport had pulled up. It was even worse when he stepped a little too close to her as they walked toward the main entrance, his arm brushing against hers.

How had he known she was going to be there?Well, you do come by the lab every day only to get sent home, she chided herself.

“I was hoping to see you today,” Cituro said after they reached the front door.

“I really hadn’t thought about you at all, if I’m being honest,” Evie replied briskly. She didn’t even glance at him, hoping he’d take the hint and leave her alone.

Cituro stiffened before laughing a little too loudly. She rolled her eyes, pressing the doorbell. She didn’t hear a chime, but the doorbells were different here, as was almost everything else. Hopefully, Cazar would at least let her inside until this clown beside her finally left.