Oh God, the antlers had been real! The monstrous version of her mate had woken her up with his tongue inside of her. She felt light-headed, and–and…Shit, why was that so arousing?!

“No!” Cazar sputtered, lifting his head from her. “I mean, yes.Initially. I don’t recall when it relinquished control back to me, only that I wassohungry for you when I awoke.“ Cazar growled again, his voice morphing from shy to lustful. Carnal. “I couldn’t stop taking you, and every time you cried out for more, I needed to provide for you.”

Head reeling, Evie pushed at Cazar’s shoulders until he sat up, allowing her to move away from him. She felt her anger rising again. “Nowyou need to provide for me? You’ve been ignoring me for weeks! And why exactly did your parasite think breaking into my room in the middle of the night and eating me out was a good idea?”

God, she needed to start calling it something else or she was going to lose her mind. Joe, maybe?

‘Joe the Parasite’. No, that was stupid. Maybe ‘The Clit Obliterator’.Even worse.

She ran a hand down her face, wishing her traitorous body would stop trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm. She should feel both concerned and disturbed that she’d just welcomed a monster between her legs, but she didn’t. Not at all. Monster or not, Joe was still a part of Cazar. Hell, itwasCazar now, and clearly both sides of him wanted her.

It was actually kind of flattering if she thought about it–

No! Focus. You are mad at Cazar! M.A.D.

“Are you going to answer me?” she snapped, jumping from the bed and planting her hands on her hips. His shoulders stiffened and his skin darkened in color, which she was pretty confident meant thatJoewas starting to resurface. Instead of backing down, though, she steeled her spine, glaring right at him.

“I’ve tried to stay away for your own protection, Evie. But it’s so strong. And it constantly urges me to seek you out. I’ve tried to resist. To ignore it. I’m afraid of what it wants from you,” Cazar whispered harshly.

She gulped, unsure of how to tell him that she already had a very distinct impression that she could guess what Joe wanted from her.

He looked away from her, his jaw clenching in frustration. “I’m a monster, Evie. I shouldn’t be anywhere near you, not when I can’t control myself.”

“Cazar, it’s okay,” Evie told him sincerely, hoping to calm him down. However weird this night had become, him coming to her, or… kind of being dragged to her?Whatever!The point was, he was here and they were talking. This was amazing progress, all things considered. How could he not see that?

She moved around the bed, coming to stand in front of him. Gently, so as not to startle him, she cupped his cheek, silently hating that he wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I want you near me. I can’t imagine how hard this is for you, but don’t ever feel like you need to fight the urge to stay away from me.”

Her hands found his hair, massaging his scalp in what she hoped was a soothing manner. It must have worked, because the tension in his shoulders disappeared, the changes in his appearance vanishing as the Cazar she knew returned once more.

“Besides, I’ve always known I was irresistible,” she joked, hoping to ease his concerns with some humor. “You were bound to show up eventually.”

Cazar chuckled dully, though he didn’t look back up at her. He leaned into her, though, his forehead resting against her hip. Relief and happiness swept through her the longer she held him to her; she wished Joe had dragged him here weeks ago.

She still fully intended to chew Cazar out for ghosting her, but right now he was so vulnerable. And besides, she really didn’t wantJoecoming back to start up round two, not while Cazar was hanging on by only a thread.

Suddenly, he sucked in a shuddering breath and stiffened before his body began to shake. Evie stilled, her fingers tangling in his unkempt hair.

What’s wrong?

“Cazar, what is it?”

“You smell so good,” he snarled, his mouth pressing against her skin and trailing heated kisses over her stomach and hip. “We just want to feast on you forever.”

We…?Oh, fu–

His eyes snapped open, locking on hers. And they were pitch-black.

“Y-your eyes,” Evie stuttered, doing her best to not react, even as her hands tightened in his hair. “Cazar, your eyes are black.”

Suddenly, without a word, he ripped himself away from her, bolting to the open window and disappearing through it less than a second later.

He’d moved so fast to escape. To get away from her.

Evie fell back onto the bed, breathing hard.

What the hell is going on?!

Chapter 5