“Cazar?” she asked faintly, squinting into the dark.

There was an animalistic growl from between her thighs and Evie let out a startled shout, reaching over toward her nightstand to tap the base of the touch-lamp located there.

She fumbled around, her hand missing it completely when her mate’s rough voice said, “Keep the light off.”

“Caz-Cazar?” Evie gasped in relief, her stiff limbs loosening slightly even as she did the opposite of what he’d instructed, hitting the metal base of the lamp. Dim light exploded into the room, making her aware of three things very quickly.

She was completely naked. So was he. And there were no antlers sprouting from his head. Had she imagined them? And what the hell was he doing here anyway?!

Cazar snarled at the light, the sound so unlike anything she’d ever heard come from him before. Her hands went to the mattress on either side of her waist and she pushed herself up, hoping to scoot up toward the headboard. To give herself a slight reprieve so she could think.

But he pinned her legs down with his torso when she shifted away from him, holding her hostage between the bed and his muscular frame. His face was only a few inches from her pussy as he dragged her back down, and she swore the damn thing spasmed in glee at his proximity, despite the insanity of this situation.

“Don’t move,” he snapped, his body tense, fingers biting into her upper thighs. She stilled, narrowing her eyes at him in irritation. How dare he have the nerve to demand anything of her after he’d ghosted her!

His face was illuminated by the lamp light, allowing her to finally take him in after weeks of radio silence. He was bigger than she remembered; his shoulders and chest more muscular and defined. Even his jaw was chiseled, making him infinitely more handsome, though she didn’t know how that was possible since he’d already been eye-catching before.

Despite her irritation toward him, her heart skipped a beat. His face was downcast, his posture defeated. He looked tortured, like he was confused by what was happening, and that lessened her ire more than anything else could have.

“Just–I…Evie,“ Cazar said softly, sounding lost. He caressed her lightly, as if he was trying to soothe himself with her presence. “Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“I’m okay,” she murmured, equal parts confused and horny.

His shoulders slumped in relief at her answer. He lifted his head, finally looking into her eyes.

“I don’t know what will happen if you move. It’s struggling to take over. Please–” Cazar growled out the last word, his eyes shifting from inky black to steel gray as she watched him struggle to speak. What did he even mean? What was going to happen to her? His arms wrapped around her waist, keeping his torso cradled between her thighs. “Please, just give me a moment.”

Her eyes softened on him, finding herself just as entranced as she’d always been before she’d gone weeks without him. His black hair was as disheveled as it had been before, but paired with the snarl he couldn’t quite keep contained, he looked untamed. Wild.

She felt a shiver run down her spine.

Before, he’d given off endearing, sweet-scientist vibes, but looking at him now, it looked like he’d eat a sweet scientist. Or her pussy.

Evie’s face heated as the intrusive thought. More of her arousal slipped down her thighs, but Cazar was oblivious to her embarrassment. That was for the best. But a small part of her really wished he’d eat her out again. Did that make her fucked up? Probably. But she wasn’t going to turn down that tongue if it came at her again.

Still, there was so much about this encounter that didn’t make sense. Wasn’t Cazar supposed to be a shy virginsheseduced and showed all the ways he could experience pleasure? He wasn’t supposed to be a sexual deviant who crept into her room in the middle of the night just to eat her out!

Although, what a hell of a way to wake up. Her core ached, and a large part of her was tempted to nudge his head back down to her pussy and demand he get back to work. She hadn’t been sexually active in close to a year, and she hadn’t been planning to discard her celibacy quite like this, but she also wasn’t exactly upset about the idea.

Just then, Cazar shuddered, and immediately Evie felt like a selfish pervert. Clearly, he was going through something, and instead of holding him close and comforting him, she was wishing he’d go down on her.

Pull yourself together, Evie! Now is not the time to think about sex, you horny bitch.

Evie reached out, running her fingers through Cazar’s thick hair. He trembled at her touch, laying his head down on her stomach and breathing roughly.

“You’re okay, Cazar,” she told him softly, her other hand moving to the back of his neck and holding him to her. She couldn’t remember a man ever laying his head on her stomach. Usually her sexual partners avoided that part of her body. Not Cazar. He all but collapsed into her, nuzzling her and sighing softly as she continued to stroke his hair.

“I’m sorry for coming to you like this,” he said quietly, holding onto her waist even more firmly. “I thought I was doing better at controlling the parasite, but…” His voice took on an angry edge before trailing off.

“When do you remember showing up here?”

She knew she’d left her window open. But how long had she been asleep? She turned toward her nightstand on instinct, sighing when she remembered there wasn’t a clock in her room.

Cazar shook his head slightly, relaxing further into her as if he’d been longing for her touch. Deprived of it. “I don’t know. I–Sometimes I lose myself andthat thingtakes over. I didn’t think it would do this to you, though.Evie,“ Cazar rasped her name darkly.

Wait, what?

“I’m sorry?” she asked, her voice filling with disbelief and a touch of hysteria. “Are you telling me thatyour parasitewaseating me out?!”