“This is about the kiss?”
My eyes flick to hers. “He told you?” My tone is incredulous, but it shouldn’t be. Of course, he told her. They’re best friends.
“Yeah. It, um, it didn’t go so well. That’s why he’s been avoiding me, if you didn’t notice.”
“I noticed. Just didn’t realize I was the wedge driving you apart.”
Nayla points her fork straight at me, even though it’s currently skewing a piece of honeydew. “Hey now. That’s not what happened. He just didn’t like my advice is all.”
“And what advice was that?”To not kiss me again?
Her lips form a tight line. “You have to know about him, by now, right? I mean, people at this school talk, and you do have ears.”
“I don’t know all the details. He told me a little. Offered to tell me more. I told him I don’t need to know everything.”
“Well, that’s stupid.”
In a rare moment of confidence, I snap back, “Wow. You’re just making friends left and right, huh?”
“I love Xander like a brother. But I’m fond of you too. I wouldn’t want to see you hurt.”
I wait for a group of people to walk by with their trays, and lower my voice, “You think he’d hurt me?”
She shakes her head, her matching puffballs bouncing from side to side. “No. I mean. I don’t think so. But still, it’s not been that long. And um...” she pauses, dropping her voice low, “…aren’t you President Parker’s son?”
“How did you find out?”
“Two and two, babe. New president that has those same baby-blue doe eyes, both starting at the same time, both named Parker. Doesn’t take a genius. But that’s Xan’s MO, you know? Going after people with powerful parents. Seeing how far he can push them. Making their deepest dreams come true. Then savoring the explosion when it all comes crumbling down around them.”
My stomach sours at her explanation. That can’t be what Xander is doing to me. We’re friends. He saved me. He kissed me under the pine tree in the rain. “What would he even gain by messing with me?” I wonder out loud.
Nayla reaches her hand across the table and takes mine. “He just likes when other people are in pain. When they are embarrassed. I love him. Don’t get me wrong. I know he loves me. He’s capable of love to some extent. I’m just saying, he’s still working on changing. I don’t know if it’s so smart that you tempt him right now.”
“So, that’s what you told him too? To back off. Let me be?” I can easily see why Xan is avoiding Nayla. Fighting the urge to walk away myself right now.
“More or less. But it’s for both your own good.”
“Seems like maybe you’re the one who likes to control people and see them suffer.” Those words fly from my mouth before I can stop them. Nothing left to do now except stomp away.
At least now I know why Xan is pulling away. Nayla's scared him off. I don’t know how else to see it. And here I thought I knew what lonely was at Susman College. Not even close. Now I have a roommate who manages to spend less than five minutes a day in the same room as me. From what I can tell, he’s been staying up most of the night, working out while I’m studying in the evenings, and sleeping while I’m in class.
I decide there is only one thing to do now. Reconnect with some of the friends I started to make at the start of the term.
Leo agrees to try the rock-climbing wall with me at the gym, so I throw on a pair of yoga pants and head out.
It’ll be nice to do something fun again. Get back to being myself, before I let a guy turn me all sulky.
“Leo!” I call out with a big wave when I see him.
“Great pants.” He eyes me and pulls me in for a hug.
I’m sure I might be blushing from the compliment. “Uh, thanks.”
“Didn’t think I’d hear from you again. Was surprised you called. Glad, but surprised.”
“Hey, phones work both ways, mister.” It’s a canned line, but I don’t know what else to say.