Page 39 of Scandal

When he rolls away and collapses next to me, I keep an arm snaked under that perfect thigh. Stroke lazily at the soft curls while we catch our breath. “That. Was. Incredible.”

Cam giggles. “Better than incredible.”

“Hell yes. You have skills.”

His hand rubs up my thigh, over my softening cock, giving me a shiver. “That was all intuition.”

“Always knew you were a genius.”

Cam snorts. “Says the actual genius.”

In a beat, I’m over Cam, planting a kiss on his nose. Then a nibble. “I’m starving. Let’s go get something to eat.”

“Let’s shower first. I’m all sticky.”

“Oh, hell yes. I’ll soap you up. Let’s go.” Leaping from the bed, I haul Cam over my shoulder and head to the shower with my guy.


Staying one night in the motel with Xan, I’m already used to the run-down conditions. Doesn’t bother me anymore. Not when I get to be with him, without the threat of being kicked out by my own father.

Xan is sitting in the single chair, at the tiny table, tapping away on his keyboard. He’s a coding maniac. Says he’s close to finishing the code that will get him in good graces with the dean again. It’s so fucking unfair. I don’t know how he stands it.

Answer me, so I know you’re okay.

That’s the last message in a string of texts from my dad. Plus about ten missed calls. Now he can know what it’s like to worry about someone you love. Like he’s had me doing for weeks over Xan.

Not sure why all of a sudden he wants to get a hold of me so bad. He knows I’m not talking to him.

Then a thought hits me. Just a few seconds before I hear the knock at the door. As if the realization has summoned him.He’s here.I know it before I even answer.

Xan looks at me and I shrug. I try to beat him to the door, but he tucks me behind him as he answers. I actually see his muscles tense at my dad’s words.

“Cameron. There you are.”

“You tracked my phone,” I say plainly. It’s not a question. Just stating the obvious.Note to self, get a new phone.

“Well, I do pay for it. So technically, it’s my phone.”

I don’t even recognize this man. He’s never been the type to say things like that. “Here. Take it.” I toss the phone to him. “Don’t wantyourphone anymore. Is that all?”

Dad catches it and shifts on his feet. “I was worried about you being here. This isn’t a great part of town.” He looks around us into the room, as if to confirm his suspicions.

“It’s just fine here. I’m fine.” My hands plant firmly on my hips.

“I want you to go back to your dorm tonight.”

There’s a threat there. I can hear it. “Or else what?” I challenge.

Dad’s face contorts through a myriad of expressions. “Or else I don’t have to continue paying for your schooling.”

I take a small step back at his words. Xan straightens his shoulders. The small motion helping me find my confidence. “Then don’t.”

The scowl on my dad’s face deepens as I continue. “I don’t even recognize you anymore. Never known you to be cruel and unforgiving. You’re letting the school use Xander for financial gain.”

“He’d be expelled if it wasn’t for his willingness to give back to the school.” Dad speaks as if Xan isn’t standing between us. As if he is invisible.

“Is that an expectation for students now? To give back to the school? Xan is a student. Here to learn. He doesn’t need to be here. I’m sure he’d have plenty of job offers if he wanted them. It’s a privilege for Whitmore to have him. An honor. Just because he had a little bout of bad behavior...”