The firm has used his contacts several times and gotten lucrative contracts by doing so. I’ve brought in business, sure, but not like Pavel. No one else has his connections and family legacy. It’s grating. Still, this doesn’t make any sense.Who has the clout to pull Klein’s best, but not get Pavel?
“What’s the real story here, Walter? If this client can pull me away from Apple, but not get Pavel when he is who they wanted, who the hell is it?”
“The sons of a friend are building this resort. Please do me a solid, Elsie. The meeting is about to start—"
I close my laptop, stand, and walk around my desk. The fact is, this is happening. If I suck it up and get on with it, then it’ll be over faster. “Then we should hurry, right?”
His wrinkles subside with his anxiety. It obviously means a lot to Walter, and as much as I’m pissed off about it, he’s taken good care of me over the years. I can do this for him. Begrudgingly. He joins me at my office door. “Thank you, Elsie.”
“You owe me, Walter.”
“In perpetuity.”
“Don’t push it,” he says with a gleam in his eyes.
It seems theatrical for my heart to pump harder when I pull into the valet at the office building of Klein and Associates. But I’m excited, and Cormac is right. I’ve worked hard, and I’ve earned the right to celebrate this achievement. I refuse to tamp my excitement down.
But now, I have to give the keys to my Aston to a stranger, and I always hate that part of things.
Foolish, perhaps, but I love my Aston and giving her up isn’t easy. I have the same reaction when I get her detailed. But I pass the key with a smile. Pavel wouldn’t work in a building that had shoddy valets. “Thank you. This may be a while.”
The valet smiles assuredly, taking the key. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”
“Don’t be. She likes it rough.”
He smirks. “I’ve got this.”
The glass doors of the lobby open to an enormous space filled with even more glass, shining steel, and a veritable jungle of potted plants. But the quirk of them is that they are ivies, trained to grow up the walls between the windows, giving the entire space a feeling of being outside. It’s a rather pleasant contrast, one I may consider for parts of the resort.
My enthusiasm for the meeting springs my steps to the desk for directions. The woman smiles politely and upon my request, she says, “Klein and Associates can be found on the forty-second floor. Take that elevator to—"
“I have to go up to Klein,” a security guard tells her. The guard is rather pretty and carries a package under her arm. I’ve never been interested in a woman in uniform before, but she is lovely enough to make me change my mind. With long black hair in a bun and a rich tan that hints at a Greek heritage, she is rather captivating. “You can follow me, sir.”
“An armed escort?” I tease. “It’s my lucky day.”
She smirks at me and gives me a quick glance over. “Behave, and I won’t have to use my cuffs.”
“Where is the fun in that?”
She laughs, and I’m looking forward to the elevator ride and every subsequent visit to the firm’s offices. It would be pointless to ask her out, of course. I’m not looking for a relationship, nor am I looking for an awkward post breakup exchange each time I come to this office. Best to simply enjoy her as nice scenery.
I follow her into the elevator, and she selects the destination. “First time here?”
“In person, yes.” Though Walter Klein is on my parents’ friend circle periphery, I have never met the man myself. My parents’ social set is a collective of snobs who grate on my nerves, and I generally avoid them when possible. The fact Walter has remained only on the periphery could speak well of him. I’ve always been of the opinion that the way people treat those who serve shows their character, and I’d like an unbiased view of the man. So, I ask, “Out of curiosity, what is your impression of Klein and Associates?”
She gives a confused smile. “You’re asking me about architecture?”
“No. I’m asking about the people. How do they seem to you?”
“I don’t really know any of the others, but Mr. Klein is one of the good ones. He comes early, stays late. He always asks about my son by name. I like him.”