Page 68 of Pretty Monster



Wailingsirenspullmefrom my sleep, and as my eyes spring open, I see the red and blue flashing lights illuminating my bedroom. I throw myself out of bed in a blind panic.

What in the fresh hell is going on out there?

I scurry across the room, my legs wobbling as I make it to the window, catching myself on the frame. Grabbing the handle and yanking it open, I peer into the night and see a flood of police cars and cops sectioning off the street with yellow tape.

The cops linger in the alleyway beside my building, and as the distant roar of motorbikes grows closer, unease settles into my veins.

Needing to know what the hell is going on, I hurry out of my bedroom and into my living room. As usual, I find my window wide open, but instead of fretting over it, I throw my head through it, peering down at the chaos below.

A heavy thumping sounds at my door, but I ignore it as I search through the crowd below, trying to figure out what has their attention. Then as my eyes adjust to the darkness, I finally see it—a body.

A sharp gasp tears through me when I catch a glimpse of the familiar Grim Reapers cut.

“Holy shit.”

The thumping on my door continues. “Mace, baby. You in there?” Alex calls through the door.

My heart races, and I pull myself away from the window, trying to remember who the hell Viper had stationed outside my building last night. I was so focused on Alex and trying to justify why the hell I’m so blasé about allowing my stalker full access to me, I can’t remember it clearly.

Was it Spider? I’m not so sure.

I remember walking past and giving him a small smile, and while I looked up, I didn’t really see. It was like a natural instinct—look up, smile, mind your own business, and keep walking. There was no conversation or any real acknowledgment of why he was still here even after Mason Ledger was found dead.

“Mace. Come on, babe. Don’t make me bust this fucking door down,” Alex calls from the hall. “I need to know you’re okay.”

Shaking off the uneasy feeling, I pick up my pace before clutching onto the latch and trying to unlock the door and then the deadbolt. It takes way too long in my sleepy haze, but hearing me fiddling with the locks from the other side of the door seems to ease Alex’s worries, and he chills out with the heavy pounding.

When my door swings open, Alex immediately strides in, his hands going to either side of my face as he pulls me in, looking over me in a blind panic. “You’re okay?” he rushes out, pulling me into his bare chest and crushing me against him.

I hastily pull back, knowing that couldn’t possibly feel good with his new ink, and I press my hands to his warm skin. “I’m okay,” I tell him. “But something is going on outside. I think it’s one of Viper’s men. You know, the one we saw chilling outside when we got back.”

“Shit, really?” he asks, a slight relief in his tone. “After everything you told me last night about this asshole who’s been sneaking into your room, I thought the worst.”

“Really, I’m okay,” I tell him, pulling him deeper into my apartment and kicking the door closed behind us. I drag him across the room, leading him toward the living room window before pointing down to the chaos below.

“How can you be sure it’s one of Viper’s men?” Alex asks, peering into the darkness, the glow of the red and blue flashing lights dancing across our faces.

“Apart from the deafening sound of every Harley in the city heading this way, he’s wearing his cut,” I explain. “I’m not entirely sure, I can’t quite see, but I think it might be Spider.”

“Spider?” he asks. “You know their names?”

“Kinda,” I say. “I don’t know them on a personal level, but over the past few years, at least half of them have been a client at some point, and they don’t usually come alone. For long sessions, they generally bring someone with them to keep them company. Spider though, he was the silent, brooding type. I’ve only had one session with him. We were only just getting started, but he would just sit in silence, glaring at the ceiling the whole time. It was a very uncomfortable three hours.”

“Fuck, Mace. I’m sorry.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Like I said, I didn’t really know any of them on a personal level, but it still sucks. Though, I can’t help but wonder what happened to him,” I say, my brows furrowed. “Do you think he got shot?”

Alex peers back out the window, gazing down at the scene below. “I don’t know. It’s too hard to tell from up here, but you would have heard a gunshot. Unless they used a silencer.”

The guys from the Grim Reapers MC roll to a stop, and the sound is so loud, it vibrates right through the building and I’m forced to close my windows just so I can hear myself think. Then because I’m a nosey bitch, I head back into my bedroom and watch over the street, looking at the club members as they park their bikes and throw themselves over the other side of the police tape.

“There’s no way in hell I’ll be getting back to sleep now,” I murmur.

“You could always come over to my place and crash in my bed,” Alex says, leaning against the doorframe of my bedroom. “You’ll still hear all the bullshit going on out on the street, but at least you won’t have to deal with the flashing lights.”