“Breaker and Tex have already been over there. I’ll get you home as soon as I know it’s safe.”
“What about the police? Shouldn’t I file a report?”
“Do you want them to know who you really are, Emma? That’ll certainly make it easier for his friends to find you.”
“Shit. I hadn’t thought about that.” She nibbles on the corner of her lip as she considers my words.
“This is what I do, baby, so let me handle it. Now, we gotta go.”
I reach around her and grab her purse off the desk. Clasping her hand tightly in mine, I tug her behind me as I lead us out to my bike. I shoot Maverick a quick text, letting him know we need to find David ASAP and to be ready to talk as soon as I get to the clubhouse.
This motherfucker is pissing me off. Even if Emma wasn’t mine, I wouldn’t stand for a man doing shit like this to any woman. But she’smywoman now. And the consequences for him will be much harsher.
He should’ve been smart and just let her go, let her walk away. He made a grave mistake by tracking her down and coming here to Carnage. I can only guess that his endgame is taking Emma back to California; too bad for him he doesn’t knowmineis his death.
* * *
I’ve gotEmma settled in my room at the clubhouse. I’ve been trying to calm her down, even though her nerves are shot thinking about the mess at her apartment. When this shit is all over, she’s moving in with me. I don’t give a fuck if it’s too fast. I can keep a better watch over her if she’s with me, and I honestly don’t want her anywhere else. I don’t know what she’ll think about it, so I’ll just have to convince her to say yes.
I walk into Venom’s office in the back and find him, Throttle, and Maverick waiting for me. My brothers look pissed, and I appreciate that they all have my back and will do whatever I ask to take care of Emma.
Venom glares at me from his desk as he steeples his hands beneath his chin. “Just so we’re clear, you making Emma your ol' lady?” He raises his left eyebrow and quirks the corner of his mouth in a smirk.
“Wouldn’t have called you all in here if I wasn’t.” I widen my stance and cross my arms over my chest, refusing to break eye contact with my president and best friend.
“Never thought I’d see the day, brother.” There’s humor in Throttle’s voice as he claps a heavy hand down on my shoulder. “Tell us what’s going on then.”
“You already know about her ex—David. Pretty sure that asshole has tracked her down, and now he’s fucking with her. Just playing games until he’s ready to strike.”
Venom leans back in his chair and rakes a hand through his short beard. “What do you think he wants with her?”
“He’s got plenty of fucking money and a big family name, so you’d think he’d just find another woman to parade around his country club. But he’s a fucking narcissist and he doesn’t think like that. Not only did Emma get away, but she fucking embarrassed him by leaving.
“And a man like that has to show a woman he’s in control of her. He has to make her pay for how he feels she’s wronged him, even when she didn’t. He’s just showing his anger right now, making his presence known. But if he gets his hands on her, he’ll punish her for what he considers an insult.”
My pulse is spiking, and my temperature rises, picturing what David might do to Emma. I feel the blunt tips of my fingernails digging into my palms as my fists constrict.
Maverick kicks off from his stance against the wall and leans on the edge of Venom’s desk. “If Emma’s done everything she said—ditching her old car, credit cards, and phone—then he must have a tracker on her somewhere. It’s gotta be on something of hers, a personal belonging, something she’s brought with her.”
“She said he’d been abusive mentally and physically, but I don’t think the idea of him using a tracker ever crossed her mind.”
“The fuck?” Throttle moves from my side to stand in front of me with my brothers. “That’s reason enough to kill him. And it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to have any fun.” A sinister look drops over his face, and I’m reminded of just how dangerous my club can be.
“Hewillget his, brother. I fucking promise you that. But first, we gotta find him. You got an update, Maverick?”
“He’s not in Bay City. Told everyone he was going on a business trip to Chicago but hadn’t bought a plane ticket to anywhere. And all his cars are still back at home. So, my guess is he’s paying cash for everything.
“He’s either using a fake ID, or he’s laying low in places where identification isn’t required. If he’s here, he’s gonna be staying somewhere that’ll let him pay cash and doesn’t give a fuck who he is. It certainly won’t be the fucking Four Seasons. And he probably bought some inconspicuous car to get around.”
“Fine. That gives us something to work with, and we know what the motherfucker looks like. We’ll send our brothers out to find him before he gets to Emma.” Venom rises from his chair and walks around his desk to face me. “Nobody fucks with one of ours, brother. And if she’s your ol' lady, then she’s one of us. Now, go take care of your woman and let’s find this motherfucker.”
As I look around at all the debris in my apartment, I’m thankful I haven’t had much time to accumulate a lot of stuff. That doesn’t mean that David didn’t have a field day tearing up my clothes, breaking the furniture and dishes, and vandalizing almost every surface.
Even when I do get this place cleaned up and pay for the replacement furniture, I’m not sure I can stay, not after knowing that he’s been here. It feels tainted now, and no matter who Gabe has watching over me, I won’t feel safe in these walls. It’s like David’s presence will always haunt me, and I hate it.