“So, this is it. What do you think? I can tell by the look on your face it’s not what you pictured, huh?” He gives me a grin.
“No, no, it’s not. But I’m impressed with what I’ve seen so far.”
“Most clubs are nothing like how they are portrayed. The Disciples are highly organized and well-functioning. We make damn good money doing what we do, and we know how to take care of what’s ours.” He cups my face between his hands and tilts my head back to look into my eyes. “And I always take care of what’s mine, Emma.” Then he kisses me so passionately I almost melt into the ground. Once he’s satisfied that I’ve been thoroughly kissed senseless, he laces our fingers together and takes me inside.
When he said we were going to a party, I certainly didn’t think he meant there would be half-naked women throwing themselves at him every five seconds. But that’s exactly what’s happening. Okay, maybe every five seconds is a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much.
It’s obvious these girls want him, and maybe he’s even slept with some of them, but he’s made it very clear that he’s here with me and not interested in whatever they have to offer. He’s kept me close, while ensuring each and every one of those women remain at arm’s length. He’s barely even acknowledged their presence unless absolutely necessary, because they’ve been so relentless. I refuse to let it bother me and would rather spend my time with Gabe and having fun with the rest of his friends.
I’ve been introduced to so many of his brothers, and they’ve amazing. I can see why they’ve meant so much to Gabe over the years, especially Venom, Throttle, and Maverick. But I can also tell that Gabe definitely doesn’t want me getting too close to any of the single guys, like Crusher and Gunner. I’m not exactly sure why, but he mentioned something about me not wearing a patch.
It doesn’t matter; the only man I want is Gabe. He’s all I’ve thought about from that first second my gaze landed on his, that day outside Pete’s Diner.
God, he’s gorgeous. Where is he anyway?
I glance around the main bar of the clubhouse as I’m seated at a low-top table, chatting with Whiskey and Maverick. Gabe got up several minutes ago to grab us all another round of drinks, but I would have expected him to be back by now. As I crane my neck to peer around several large biker bodies, a warm smile lifts the corners of my mouth when I spot him at the bar. But my happiness is quickly replaced by fury with what appears next in my view.
“Emma? You alright, darlin’?” Whiskey drawls out, his head cocked slightly to the side as he takes in the expression on my face.
Maverick follows my line of sight and sucks in air between his teeth. “That’s no one for you to worry about, girl.” His dark eyes are wary as he looks at me.
“Who says I’m worried?” I smile sweetly as I twist towards the men at my table. “If anything,sheshould be worried aboutme.”
My gaze returns to the bottle-blonde with the huge fake tits, who now has her red acrylic fingernails trailing across Gabe’s bare forearm.Who does she think she is, putting her hands on him?My feet are moving and carrying me across the room before my brain can even register that my body’s in motion.
As I close in on Gabe and the girl, I see him remove her hand from his arm. But she only offers up a ridiculously fake pout before grabbing hold of him again. Clearly, she needs a lesson about touching other people’s property.
“Excuse me.” I tap her shoulder to get her attention.
She pivots in my direction and hisses her response. “What? We’re busy.”
She attempts to turn back to Gabe, but I halt her movement by pressing my palm to the front of her shoulder. “What’s your name?”
“None of your fucking business, bitch.” She scowls at me, and anger flashes in Gabe’s eyes. I shake my head at him watching his nostrils flare as he reins in his temper.
I look blondie dead in her eyes. “Oh, it is my business…bitch.” I hold her stare and let my words sink in. “Because you need to be more careful when it comes to putting your hands on things that don’t belong to you.” I theatrically remove her claws from Gabe with my thumb and forefinger—as if plucking up a piece of trash—and let her arm drop to her side.
She gives me an affronted look before schooling her features and donning a saccharine-sweet smile. Tossing her fake blonde extensions over her shoulder, she steps closer to Gabe and says, “Sentinel and I go way back. Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Shut the fuck up, Cherry. Don’t make it sound like it was anything more than a quick fuck. Same thing you give everybody else around here.”
“Oh, honey, you know you’re my fav—“
I move between them, forcing the girl to back up. “Listen, if you don’t stop touching what’s not yours, you’re gonna wind up with broken. Fucking. Hands… Cherry.”
“Is that so?” She takes a step towards me.
“Sentinel belongs to me now, bitch. So, hands off.” I lunge forward, but I’m tugged back as Gabe wraps me up in his arms. Cherry taunts me, popping her hip to the side with a nasty sneer. I try to get at her, but Gabe’s hold is too tight. “If I hear about you putting your hands on him again, Cherry, I’m kicking your ass!” Gabe lifts me off my feet, throwing me over his shoulder, and drags me away as his friends hoot and holler around us.
“You’re a fiery little hellcat, ain’t you, sugar?” Whiskey shouts at us as we pass by.
“Shut it, Whiskey,” Gabe fires back, carrying me down a long, dark hallway.
I clutch on to the waistband of Gabe’s jeans as I feel the tension emanating from his body. I’m afraid I may have gone too far and pissed him off. But I couldn’t help myself when I saw Cherry—that can’t be her real name—pressed up against him with her fake tits and her fake blonde hair and her fake red nails.
Gabe is mine. Mine, damn it.
I don’t know why I’m so possessive of him. I’ve never been this way with anyone. There’s no plausible explanation, yet I feel it deep inside. And if he feels an inkling of what I do, I know he’ll ruin me for all other men.Forever.Hell, I think he already has.