I won’t ever give her a reason to.
Sentinel’s been gone for the last few days on a run with Throttle—whatever that is—so he hasn’t been at the shop. And while Whiskey’s made sure I’ve had everything I’ve needed in his absence, doing his best to show me the ropes, if I’m honest, it feels a little strange not having Sentinel here. I haven’t known him for long, but I somehow feel safer when he’s near me, which I’m aware is completely crazy.
At least it’s been busy with plenty of customers, which helps me keep my mind off the sexiest man I’ve ever met. And it also keeps the thoughts of David and what I left behind in Bay City from creeping into my head throughout the day. But when there are lulls in work and the boys are on the floor, it’s just me by myself here in the office. That’s when I start thinking about how things went so wrong, so quickly back home.
I’m getting lost in that train of thought when I hear the door open. Then, a voice with a smooth, honeyed timbre that I’ve been missing for the last few days begins speaking.
“Hey, Emma. You miss me, baby?” Sentinel struts into the office with that same swagger of confidence he always seems to have. But it’s his smile that renders me stupid, followed by a temporary loss of speech. “Nothing to say, or you too busy thinking?”
“I, um… yes.”Why is he so damn hot?
He chuckles at me, and I close my eyes in embarrassment. “Things go okay while I was gone? You didn’t run into any problems around here, did you?”
“Yeah, everything was fine. Whiskey was great and really helped me out.” Evidently, mentioning Whiskey was perhaps not the smartest thing, as I see a twitch of irritation underneath Sentinel’s right eye. Wanting to quickly clarify, I say, “But he was on his best behavior the entire time, I swear.”
“Good. I’d hate to have to kill my own brother for touching what doesn’t belong to him.”
“And what’s that, Sentinel?” I ask, looking up into his emerald green eyes—eyes that seem to hold me captive and never let me go.
He rounds the desk and steps right up to me, our bodies mere inches apart. “You, Emma. What belongs to me, that’d be you.” He holds my stare as I feel an all-consuming heat radiating off him, drawing me in. I start to take a step closer, to press myself against him, when a thought occurs to me:he called me by my real name.He called me Emma.
My eyes widen in surprise, and he must read the shock on my face. Panic begins setting in as fear floods my body.
What does he know? What is he going to do? Does he know about David? Will he make me leave? I have to go.
He senses the moment I’m about to flee, because he moves in closer and pulls my hips into his. “I know all about you, baby girl. So, just calm down. I want to protect you and keep you safe from whatever you’re running from. But I don’t want what I’ve read in a file. I want to hear it from you. This is that shit I told you we were gonna sort out. And we’re gonna sort it out right fucking now.”
His cock is ridiculously hard and pressing into me. But he holds me in place, so I have no choice but to feel him against my body. It makes it difficult to focus, and I need to think with my head right now and not my pussy.
He leans in and licks at the tender flesh of my neck. What little resistance I was trying to maintain begins to melt away. “I know you want me, Emma. And you know damn well I want you. We could both deny this, saying it’s way too fast and too soon. But who gives a fuck? And more than that, I want to take care of you. I can tell someone fucking hurt you, which makes me wonder how a sexy, sweet, smart girl like you ends up alone in fucking Carnage.
“So, I’m gonna take you back to my place now, where I’m gonna fuck you stupid—because, let’s be honest, we both want it—and then you’re gonna tell me who I need to fucking kill. Because no one, Emma—and I mean fucking no one—is gonna hurt you again.”
Part of me just wants to get the hell out of here and find somewhere else to go, since this is all too much. But from what I know of the Satan’s Disciples MC and what little I’ve already learned about Sentinel, if there is anywhere I’ll be safe from David, it’s right here. Exactly where I am.
* * *
Ridingon the back of Sentinel’s motorcycle is one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. Being with him just makes me feel… free. I really have no reason to trust him but somewhere deep inside, I know he would protect me with his life if I needed him to. I can’t explain it. I just know.
So, yeah, I’m headed to his place right now. And when we get there, I’ll let this gorgeous man do whatever he wants with my body. And I absolutely can’t wait. Honestly, I hope it’s something deliciously sinful. After everything I’ve been through, I think I deserve it.
I don’t care what that says about me as a person, because I’m not here for anyone’s judgment. Right now, I just want something that makes me feel good, with someone who makes me feel safe. Sentinel gives me both of those things, and I’m going to enjoy every second.
It doesn’t take long before we pull up to his house towards the edge of the city. I’m a little surprised he didn’t take me to the clubhouse, but he said he wanted to have me all to himself, without any distractions tonight. He helps me off his bike before dismounting as well, then he leads me through the garage of his beautiful two-story home.
“I love your place. It’s not what I expected.”
“What? You thought I lived at the clubhouse?”
“Well… maybe?” I shrug my shoulders sheepishly as we enter a small mudroom just off the kitchen.
He sets our helmets down along with his keys before grabbing my hand and tugging me farther inside. I’m looking around, taking everything in, when he suddenly pushes me against the wall and presses his lips to mine. He kisses the hell out of me, and I moan into his mouth.
He tastes faintly of mint, and his lips are soft and smooth. He’s practically devouring me as one of his hands—gently but firmly—rests on the front of my throat while the other massages one of my breasts. The dual sensations, combined with the grinding of his thick cock against my pussy, are exquisite. And I feel like my body is catching flames.