Page 21 of Sentinel

Just hang on, baby. I’m coming for you.

We follow behind the Mercedes as it weaves through massive piles of rocks at high speed, until David takes a turn that leads to a dead end. The car skids, spinning 180 degrees to face us before coming to a stop. For a moment, I think he’s just going to barrel forward in an attempt to mow us down, but instead, he waits in the car, his headlights shining bright in my eyes. I hear the loud rumble of motorcycles, and I know my other brothers are surrounding the vehicle from behind. He’s trapped, and that makes him extremely dangerous.

The headlights go out, the driver’s door opens, and raised voices fill the night air. I’m ready to jump off my bike and go straight to my woman until David exits the car. He’s pulling Emma out with him by her hair, his gun probing her rib cage and her face swollen and bruised. Wrath glosses over my vision. I’m ready to shoot him now, but I don’t have a clean angle, and it wouldn’t be safe for Emma.

His eyes are wild as they dart from side to side, and he realizes he’s surrounded. I watch as some of the hate and rage drains from his face, replaced by fear for his own safety.Fucking coward.I silently signal to Throttle, ordering him to just shoot the fucker where he stands if he has an opening, but then David speaks, and I almost can’t believe my ears.

“L-l-look, you can have her. She isn’t worth the trouble. Just let me get outta here.”

I can’t help the fucking laugh that escapes from the depths of my chest. He can’t seriously think I’d let him walk out of here after taking my woman. “Why the fuck would we let you go? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just kill you now for touching what’s mine?”

I see resentment and outrage darken his features as he screams his response. “She was mine first! She’s still mine, and I didn’t say she could leave. Shewillmarry me.”

Watching his emotions jump from one end of the spectrum to the other is unreal, and he looks deranged as he stands next to Emma. She silently pleads with her eyes, begging me to fix this for her, and I’d give anything to do that right now. I just need a few more inches...

“So, how’s this gonna end, huh, David? You think we can work something out?”

His temper seems to cool as he once again considers his own safety and preservation. He’s clearly unhinged, making this a precarious situation that needs to end. You can see he’s weighing his options as he bounces back and forth on his feet. Then, a small opportunity presents itself when he takes a step forward, lost in thought as his grip on his weapon loosens a bit. Emma’s eyes widen as she notices it too, and she tries to subtly lean away from him, giving me the space I need.

David inches closer. “I have money. Lots of money. I’m sure we could come to some sort of… arrangement.” He glances at Emma from the corner of his eye, and an expression of disgust covers his face. Fuck him for daring to look at my woman.This shit ends now. “Just take her! I don’t need her anyway. This bitch isn’t wor—"

The rumble of my Glock .45 echoes in the open air before bouncing off the rocks and stone surrounding us. With one bullet and a clean shot, a hole mars the center of David’s forehead and blood splatters across Emma’s beautiful face. She lets out a shocked scream, but it’s over by the time David’s body drops to the ground in a heap, and she comes running straight for me. I flip the safety on my weapon and tuck it into my holster just before she crashes into my arms, sobbing and shaking.

“Shhh, baby girl. No one’s gonna hurt you ever again.” She buries her face into my chest as I clutch her body against mine.

I hear Venom barking orders to clean up the body and dispose of the Mercedes. I know my brothers are mobilizing to wrap up the situation, allowing me to focus on Emma and what she needs right now.

“Gabe, I… I don’t know what—"

“Shhh, it’s okay. I should’ve been there tonight, and I let you down, baby.” I use my shirt to gently wipe off the blood from her face as I look her over for other wounds.

“No, Gabe. It’s my fault, and I—" I stop her worrying with a soft kiss, being mindful of her injuries. I need to get her home and feel her bare skin on mine, just to reassure myself she’s okay, and that she’s still here with me.

“Let’s go, baby. I need to get my hands on you to know for sure I didn’t lose you.”

She looks intensely into my eyes, piercing my soul with her gaze. “You didn’t. You won’t. I’m all yours, Gabe. Take me home.”



The feeling of strong, calloused hands caressing the backs of my thighs as I lie on my stomach rouses me from my sleep with a smile on my face. After everything that’s happened over the last several months and its culmination last night, needless to say, I was a wreck when we got back to Gabe’s house. So, he did the best thing he could do for me and fucked all the horrible thoughts out of my head until I passed out and fell asleep. And now, coming to with his hands on my body again feels like the sweetest dream I never want to wake up from.

“How sore are you this morning, baby girl?” He massages the globes of my ass, and I hum an appreciative moan.

“Why don’t you check and see.” I feel his teeth bite the back of my thigh, and I giggle from the tickling sensation as my legs spread wider. Gabe takes advantage of my position and slides his fingers through my exposed slit.

“Did you dream about me, baby? Is that why you’re already wet?” He plunges two fingers inside my core, and I grip the sheets as pleasure zips through me.

“I’m always wet for you, Gabe.” My voice is husky with both sleep and desire.

I feel him shifting behind me, then he grabs a pillow from his side of the bed. “Lift your hips, baby.” I do as he says, and he slides the pillow underneath me, raising my ass up as he brings my legs together. “Stay just like this for me.”I wouldn’t dream of moving.

I lie still on the bed, my hands clutching the sheets and my eyes closed, anxiously anticipating his next move. The tip of his tongue skims up my spine, leaving a dewy trail and eliciting goosebumps as the cool air of the room hits my skin. His warm hands roughly palm my ass cheeks before a sharp smack stings the right side.

“Fuck, I love seeing that ass turn red for me.” I give my hips a little wiggle, signaling that I want more, while his deep chuckle lets me know he heard me loud and clear. And I’m rewarded with several more spanks across each cheek.

“Now that I know you’re dripping for me and certainly not sore from last night, I’m gonna fuck you real hard, Emma. Tell me now if you don’t want that.” He spreads the tops of my thighs apart with his thumbs and shallowly glides the broad tip of his impressive cock inside me.