“You remember I told you about my uncle? The one who led the others to punish my mother’s kind,” I start.
“He has hated us and would destroy us if he could. We live among the other supers because they are all creations of his siblings. It is an act of war for a god to destroy another god’s creation without permission.”
“So if he thinks you belong to one of the others, he won’t touch you?”
“Right. I now know from Mabruk that there has also been a guardian watching over us. However, these hunters, I do believe they are connected to my uncle.”
“Why is that?”
“Because he’s been locked away in another realm for the last three millennia. This wouldn’t be the first time his followers have tried us. They have always failed.”
“But why come after you if he’s locked away?”
“Because we have the key to his freedom. As long as we live and have that key, he will forever remain a prisoner.”
“Yes, my love?”
“I think it’s time I show you what I found in that book.”
“Will it change my mood for the better?”
“I highly doubt it.”
“Will my lack of knowledge end our world today?”
“Then I want to show you something. Everything else can wait.”
Visions of Paradise
“Lie back and close your eyes. Allow your breathing to even out. Clear your mind and listen to my voice. See what paradise means to you,” Kendrick says as he lies beside me on our bed, holding my hand.
I do as he says and relax. I take a few breaths and allow my mind to still. He gives my hand a little squeeze of encouragement.
“Good. Now, I want you to turn right. You see that door? Go on and walk through.”
In my mind, I turn to the door he’s talking about. It’s a steel door with his crest on the front of it. I walk over and turn the knob. When I step through the door, I step into a meadow with lush purple grass.
I look up and the sky is a clear, light-purple color. It’s so majestic and calming. Sunlight beams down on my face, causing me to close my eyes and turn my face up with a smile on my lips.
I inhale deeply. It smells of lavender, lilac, and cotton candy. As I take it all in, strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. I open my eyes as he kisses my neck.
“This is your paradise. Your happy place. We can be and do anything here,” he murmurs against my skin.
“Yes, anything. See me as you want me; be anything you want to be. This is all for you. Fulfill your heart’s desires, my love.”
I turn in his arms and look up at him. I snicker as his hair is dark and long, just like I saw in his past. He pushes his hand through the silky, wavy locks to push it out of his face.
As he combs it back, it changes back to the way I know it. He gives me a crooked grin. I think I love him more with the salt-and-pepper hair. That’s my Kendrick, the one I’ve fallen in love with.
I cup his cheek. He turns his face to kiss my palm. I close my eyes and bask in the moment.