Page 96 of King of Knights

“But… But I told my wife she was getting quadruplets. I can’t just take her one baby now. Do you know how hard it was to talk her into this?” he seethes.

“Pick one,” the siren says more firmly.

“Wait, can I at least allow my brother to raise one?”

The siren looks to the other and lifts a brow. They have a silent conversation. Ricci looks between the four babies as if he’s lost.

The one in his arms begins to cry, drawing his attention. He lifts her to his shoulder and begins to sing to her. She quiets for him instantly.

“We will allow this. You should take the two with the most potential,” the siren who’s been giving the orders says.

“Is she one?” he asks, pointing to the child in his arms.

“Yes, that she is.”

“I’ll take her. The firstborn. This is Ray Ann. She will come with me.”

Having what I need, I back out of his thoughts. I only wanted to know who had been meddling in our affairs. Enough has been hidden from us. I will not fail in my mission.

I will bring order and honor back to my lord and my kind. I turn to Ferg and nod for him to drop the sword. Then I release Ricci and drop him to the ground.

“You want to prosper. I will grant you that, but I need your daughters. You decide what’s more important to you, prosperity or those women.

“Take your money with you. I have no need for it. You are dismissed.”

The West Gate

“Ican take her,” Bay says as I coo down at a stinky little Avionne. I’m trying to get a little bookkeeping done for the club in Ardan’s absence.

He and Billy have been gone for the last two months. For at least three weeks of that, we were on lockdown. Bay and Manisha were only allowed in because they were on their way to be a part of my court.

I still snort at that thought. A court for me. I get that Kendrick sees me as his queen, but it feels so strange to have others treat me as such.

“Thank you. I’m trying to get through all of this before Kendrick is done with his meeting.”

I smile at Bay, who’s the sweetest water fairy ever, and hand her Avionne. She takes her and leaves out of the office I’ve been using for my own. Turning my attention back to the books before me, I blink a few times and frown.

“I can take her,” Bay says as I coo down at a stinky little Avionne. I’m trying to get a little bookkeeping done for the club in Ardan’s absence.

“Thank you. I’m trying to get through all of this before Kendrick is done with his meeting.”

I smile at Bay, who’s the sweetest water fairy ever, and hand her Avionne. She takes her and leaves out of the office I’ve been using for my own.

“Ray,”Venus calls.


“Something is awry.”

I go to ask her what she’s talking about, but Avionne’s little whimpers grab my attention. I look down at her and wrinkle my nose. Phew, she needs a change.

“You bombed the place, didn’t you, my little stinker,” I coo.

“I can take her,” Bay says.

“Ray, don’t hand her the baby. I think Avionne is looping time. This has happened at least three times already.”

“What? But she’s too young. She can’t be.”