“Why are you laughing at me?”
“We’re all the same age. Your emotions are besting you. Calm down. Block out Venus’s grumpy ass and lock in. You can do this. Channel your emotions and use them; don’t allow them to rule you,” she says.
“I have her grumpy. You two get on my nerves,”Venus snarls.
“Oh, so now you’re talking?”
She goes silent on me again. I shrug and go back to ignoring her. She stopped helping me because I yelled at her—only frustrating me even more. My emotions have been all over the place all afternoon.
I push all that down and take a deep, calming breath. She’s right, I’m emotional and we are all the same age. I can do this. I just need to focus.
“Fine. Let’s try again.”
“Actually, I think you should call it a day. Get some rest.”
I sigh. I’m not ready to give up. I’m the only one who hasn’t produced a weapon at will.
“Fine. See you in the morning? I’ll be done with that last book tonight.”
“Sure, see you then.” Lee grabs her things and heads out.
I’m left staring after her, wishing I could remember how to fight and use weapons the way Venus used to. Maybe if I got out more during my youth, I would be better. I release a breath at that thought. I could’ve mastered a ton of things if my father allowed me to be human.
“Here she is, here’s your mama,” Blossom coos as she brings Avionne to me.
My frustrations melt away as I take my little gift into my arms. All else is forgotten as I look into her bright eyes. I place my finger in her tiny hand and her hand glows as she holds on tight.
“My Mama. Ah, I’ve missed you.”
I gasp and look up at Blossom with wide eyes. Blossom beams at me as she bounces in place. I look back to Avionne and she’s staring up at me.
“I’ve been dying for you to come back. I totally forgot Orin was a mind fairy. She’s been doing that all morning,” Blossom gushes.
“Wow, what else will she be able to do?” I ask.
“I’m not sure. I haven’t known many hybrid fairies. They’re so rare. I do know royal hybrids are special and have way more power than us normal fairies.”
“Oh, well, maybe I should see if there’s something in the Hall of Sirens that will tell me more about her.”
“I don’t know that you will. We fae are big on keeping our world secret. By the way, you didn’t hear this from me, but Asuka is known to play in alchemy.
“It’s a rumor among the fairies that she and Orin were playing with time magic. No one knows how Orin died because we fairies don’t leave behind bodies. We turn into sparkly dust and that’s that.
“If you ask me, they did something that went terribly wrong. I’m telling you this as a friend. I’d be watching the little one for time magic.
“Time fairies are super rare as well. They’ve become extinct. Some think they can bring them back through alchemy. I wouldn’t put it past Asuka to have played with this child.”
“Should I be concerned? What should I be looking for?” I ask worriedly.
“You shouldn’t be worried, I don’t think. I’d look for time gaps in your memory. Time loops. The opening of time portals. However, you don’t have to worry about that now. She’ll take years to show her true talents.”
“I’ll keep all that in mind,” I say.
Blossom gives me a funny look. “Have you eaten today?”
“No, why?”
“You should be eating to keep up your strength,” she says with a little knowing smile. “Come on. We’ll get you guys fed.”