“Ray, Venus should remember thatTheBook of Pathsdidn’t come to us by way of our grandmother. Mother was the one to bring us down here the first time, right before the attack. I believe that was on purpose. She knew what was coming.”
“Yes, I remember that. It was a few days before the soldiers raided. It was how I knew where to hide and get us all to safety. It saved our lives,”Venus says.
“Yes, she remembers,” I say.
Lee nods and continues. “We were reborn. Our gift of the phoenix allowed for that. However, for something like this, a sacrifice is demanded. Venus didn’t give her sacrifice. I believe that’s why she’s stuck.”
“A life for a life,”Venus murmurs sadly.“It was a part of the incantation. How could I be so stupid?”
“How do we fix it?”
“That I do not know yet. I’ve been thinking all night. You were chosen for a reason. You are powerful and you have so much further to go, but I don’t think that’s possible with Venus clinging to you.
“What we need to do is call forth the answers we need while down here. We can look for a solution in hopes of setting her free. Close your eyes and think of the answers you need. The caves will bring them to you,” Lee instructs.
I close my eyes and do as she says. I try to focus on what we need, but so many other things pop into my head. Taylor gasps beside me, breaking my concentration.
I open my eyes and look to her. She’s standing with a stack of books in her arms. Billy tilts her head to read the spines of the books.
“Shibari, Tantra, girl, we’re trying to help our sister and your nasty ass calling on sex books,” Billy scolds.
“I didn’t know this stuff would be down here. My bad,” Taylor says sheepishly.
I roll my eyes. Looking down into my palms, I see a single book. Turning it to read the spine, I sigh.
“I’m sorry, I’ll try again,”I say to Venus.
“No, it is your heart’s desire to learn about your power. Keep this one. The caves make no mistakes. What comes to you is what you need,”she says.
“I need to go. I have to get to work,” Billy says.
“Yeah, I should go too. I have class. Bradan will be looking for me soon.”
“We can come back another time. Now that the book is in place, we won’t need to come together. Our blood is the key,” Lee says.
“See you guys at training,” I say.
My mind is racing with so much information. I want to get back to my room to read the book that has come to me. I feel like I’m finally getting somewhere.
New Problem
“Still no leads on those hunters or Bradan’s source stone?” I ask as Reilly joins me to watch over our mates training below.
I don’t want them to know we’re watching, so I’m cloaking my presence as is he. I want to see what they have learned and how each is progressing. I will function better knowing they are capable of defending themselves if needed.
“No, but I think we have a bigger problem. Reports have come in that someone has been buying up blessed iron at an alarming rate. Damian says the gatekeepers are concerned because blacksmiths and alchemists have been passing through to the human realm.”
“When did this start?”
“About a week ago. Dagger took a few mind fairies to find out what’s going on.”
“Someone is paying the blacksmiths and alchemists to make some super weapon or something,” Reilly says.
I turn to look at him. “What?” I bite out.
“Brother, this has gone to a new level. We should take action now.”