For example, her husband mysteriously died six months after their wedding. We still don’t know what happened. For her to have a child, I can only imagine what’s next. It sure wouldn’t belong to her husband.
“How is this my problem?”
“I will allow her to tell you and your mate what she told me,” Dagger says, his voice filled with amusement.
Asuka steps up with a small glowing bundle in her arms. Moving forward, she takes a knee and bows. I stiffen immediately. The child’s scent is extremely strong.
“Ah, you smell it too?” Dagger says.
“What is this?” My brothers and I growl in unison.
“She is a gift from the gods,” Asuka says.
She stands and moves to hand the baby over to Ray. Ray takes the child and the look of awe, then happiness that comes to her face tells me I’m not going to take this child away from her.
“I was told to tell you, well done. He will right all wrongs now. Time and light will bring freedom and truth. We all come from the one.
“When we separate. We lose our way, but light and time bring correction. The past, present, and future will align, and balance will be set. Accept this gift.”
“Why does your child smell of my father and your dead husband?” I bite out.
“I asked to have one more night. I offered anything to have one more night with my Orin.”
“And now you have a hybrid child you are giving to my mate?” I snarl.
“This child has a purpose. She is the future. All things have meaning. All darkness succumbs to light. My gift has now become hers.”
Asuka places her hand over her chest and bows her head as she backs away. All the other light fairies do the same.
“A light is born, a beacon is hung. All hail Princess Avionne,” they all sing.
“Well, ain’t this some shit,” I mutter under my breath.
“Better you than me. You feel me?” Bradan laughs.
“Shut your ass up. You… feel me?”
My brother holds his hands up as his eyes dance with mirth. I close my eyes and bare my teeth as I listen to Ray’s thoughts. She’s in love.
I have eons of experience being a man. I was ready to raise a son. What am I to do with a little girl? My father, indeed, has a sense of humor.
The Wolves
“She’s very pretty,”Venus murmurs.
“She’s gorgeous,”I coo down at the little bundle in my arms.
Her eyes are big and bright, nothing like a human newborn. She has a head full of hair and her little cheeks are adorable. I place my pinkie in her tiny hand and she wraps her little fingers around it.
“Oh,” I startle when her fingers start to glow and my pinkie becomes warm.
“She likes you.”
“I love her. Is it different for fae? Her mother gave her away so easily.”
“Her mother did what I was supposed to, but yes, for fae, it is different. The light will always connect them. And her mother knows you’re not a fairy. Someday, this little one will have to go to her people to learn.”
“Does that mean I don’t get to keep her?”I ask sadly.