“Did you just…”
“Yes, that’s how we get our true mate pregnant. We know right away. You will start to feel it in a few weeks.”
* * *
I standon the balcony of our bedroom, looking out over Manhattan. The bright lights blur as I stare out at nothing. Seeing but not seeing.
Horns blare, announcing the life and heart of the pulsing city. Yet they cannot tell me where my child has gone. I close my eyes, trying to turn it all off. It’s times like this when I feel as if I were born powerless.
Not willing to fall into a pit of despair, I open my eyes again. The lights gleam back at me, reminding me we burn bright. Kings always rise. This will be no different.
This city never sleeps, but even those who are awake at this hour have no idea what’s coming. I feel it. A shift has happened and we can only prepare.
“I will find you, my son,” I murmur to the wind.
Lee Ann has been with us for the last four weeks. I haven’t been fool enough to believe that finding her was the end of things. We’re not all just going to walk into happily ever after.
My son disappearing is only the beginning of what’s to come. This I know for sure. I have not panicked because it’s not in my nature to.
I’ve come to learn the gods set things in motion and we’re to ride through the storm. I don’t know why Venus is here. I have no clue how Ray was able to carry Knox for the time she has.
I wish I knew why all our mates have appeared now. We all have pieces and parts. Now, we must piece them together. The honeymoons are over. Whatever has been set in motion is coming and it’s coming now.
“I am ready.Ben kralim.”
My power reaches its full release and I stand as the clouds roll and lightning fills the sky. Folding my arms over my bare chest, I grin.
I have never lost a battle brought to me. I won’t start now.
Training Day
Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Lee Ann fight as if it’s second nature. She and Billy are locked in an intense session as Ardan and Reilly coach them.
“She has always been a great warrior,”Venus says proudly.“But you are about to get your butt kicked. Pay attention. She is meek, but she’s a fast learner. Focus.”
I give Taylor my full attention right as she lunges for me. I dodge the blow and counter. Taylor gives me a smile and then she attacks again.
I dance back and take a stance to ready myself. We’ve been sparring with bo staffs, unlike Lee and Billy, who have upgraded to real weapons. A distracted look comes over Taylor’s face.
“Wow, that’s crazy,” she mutters as she pauses from sparring with me.
I drop my stance and turn to see what she’s talking about. Our mates are sparring in the box—as they call it. It’s a space below us. The floor above it is see-through. The box is designed for them to spar at full power.
Seeing Kendrick and Bradan go full out causes my mouth to drop open. The fact that this room was built to sustain them and their powers is only one of the mind-blowing things happening right now.
They both have those holographic figures standing behind them. That’s the only way I know how to describe them. Venus has called them avatars.
While Bradan attacks with flames and fire, Kendrick counters with lightning strikes and flames of his own. The avatars move with them. I’m in awe as the two men fight with grins on their faces.
“You can say that again,” I breathe.
I don’t know why I was so surprised to find they have a combat training room here. These supers have everything they need at their fingertips. The brothers have been training us as if we’re preparing for a war.
I don’t mind. It’s a time for us to learn to protect ourselves and we get to bond. My sisters and I have been growing close. Venus seems happiest when I get to spend time with them.
Which is not as often as one would think. Our mates aren’t big on sharing. They would have to let us up for air long enough for that.