Page 68 of King of Knights

“Do you believe it’s Billy or Lee Ann?” Taylor asks.

“We can’t know for sure. I have a feeling it will be,” Kendrick says.

“I don’t know what the gods are up to, but this has them written all over it,” Reilly murmurs. “You guys want something to eat or drink?”

“Sure, thanks, Reilly.”

“You’re welcome. Taylor?”

“Sure, I could use a bite. That fruit she’s eating looks so good,” she replies, pointing to one of the young women who came in not too long ago with what looks like her band members.

“You don’t want that. Neither of you should ever take fruit from the fairies.”

“Why not?” Taylor asks.

“That fruit knocks humans out. It’s how the fairies kidnap you and take you to the fairy realm. She will become their entertainment until they’re bored with her and they turn her into a pig or bird or some shit,” Bradan replies.

“Oh, but I thought we weren’t human. Wait, what are we anyway?” Taylor frowns.

“I still don’t know,” Kendrick says. “You have human blood, but you’re something else entirely.”

“They feel like our kind, but a crossbreed somehow,” Bradan muses.

“I was thinking the same thing,” Kendrick murmurs as if in thought.

“Have you picked up on the siren vibe?” Reilly says as he places a tray of food down on the table.

Wow, that was fast. My stomach grumbles and I’m thankful for the rapid service. I reach for a fry and pop it into my mouth.

Venus seems to perk up at the mention of sirens. I’ll be honest; my interest has been piqued as well. They have always fascinated me.

“Now that you mention it. Yes,” Kendrick says.

“Really?” I say to him in my thoughts.

“Yes, during sex. I thought it was the pull of our bond, but the sound of your moans is magical. It has a pull of its own. So much is making sense now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I could always feel that Venus was more than she thought. There was a tribe of fire sirens loyal to my father.”

“Fire sirens? What are those?”

“They were born of a phoenix and a siren. A siren said to be one of my father’s friends and companions when he roamed the earth with our mother.”

“She’s asking how they could be connected to her,”I tell him as Venus fires off questions for him.

“I’m not certain they are. But it would explain some things. I will need to call on a scholar for more answers. One who oversees the ancient scrolls.”


“What is it?”


“Ray,”he drags out in warning.

“This would be so much easier if Venus and I had access to The Book of Paths.”