Page 66 of King of Knights

“It’s not that easy,” I say. “From what Mabruk said, your mates will call you to them at the right time. You will not be able to just track them beforehand.”

“Well, how did you find Taylor?” Ardan turns to ask Bradan expectantly.

“I’ve been drawn to her for months. I didn’t know she was my mate. There were no signs before last night. However, she was attacked and I was pulled to her.”

“Technically, I wasn’t attacked, really,” Taylor interrupts, rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Ferg asked to buy me dinner. It was supposed to be a date. When he didn’t show and I finished studying, I left.

“He just startled me in the parking lot as I went to get into my car,” she says.

“That’s what she thinks. Her fear called to me. When I arrived, I could smell them.

“The one she calls Ferg is one of them. The others were close by. They were going to take her,”Bradan says as he links me and my brothers.

“Did you get a look at them?”I ask.

“Only the one. He took off. Something other than I spooked him. There was a light of some sort in the trees across from the lot.”

“I want a crew to head back and see if there’s anything to be tracked.”

“Already on it,”Reilly says.

“So the attacks are the triggers,” Ardan says.

“I hate it,” Reilly mutters. “Although I don’t believe one of the sisters will be mine. I have sensed my mate before.

“She would be too old to be their sister. I don’t know what she was, so she may no longer exist without our bond. I have long given up on the idea of finding her.”

I go to ask him when this encounter was, but my words are cut off as the door bursts open. In storms Seraphina, one of the fire fairies. I roll my eyes. I should’ve known this drama was coming.

“Which one is she?” Seraphina hisses.

“That does not matter. I will put you to ground if you touch either of them. Reel that shit in, Seraphina,” Bradan rumbles.

“I am gone for a week and return to hear you have claimed a mate. You said you would warn me, that you would give me time,” Seraphina growls.

“I did not know the pull would be so great. I couldn’t deny her. I didn’t want to. Reel it in, Sera. I am sorry your feelings are hurt, but it is done.”

“It’s done? It’s done,” she screams.

“I said reel that shit the fuck in, now,” Bradan barks.

“Fine, it is done and it will be undone,” Seraphina seethes as her hands begin to glow with flames.

I stand and block Ray and Taylor. Fire fairies can be unpredictable. I warned Bradan about this one. I know we get lonely at times, but Seraphina would have been my very last choice. There would’ve had to have been no other options.

She tossed one of her flames despite me blocking the way. Bradan roars and flashes to shield his mate. However, mine is the one to the rescue.

As Seraphina’s flame speeds forth and splits in two to circle around me to get to Ray and Taylor, Ray blocks the flames with a shield and returns them back to their sender.

The flames rejoin and wrap around Seraphina like a lasso, restraining her in its flaming embrace. She squirms to get free, but the flaming restraint only tightens. Rage fills me and I go to end this fairy’s sorry life.

“Don’t kill her,”Ray says through our bond, halting me.

“She needs to be punished.”