“You’re the only nobody I see. Speak of Ray that way again and I will force you to give her your ring and then I’ll have you put to ground.”
“You can’t do that.”
I tilt my head to the side. “Are you sure you want to test that theory? I am not of the same kind as the legend speaks of that helped your family enslave us. I am a variation of those kings and queens.
“A much more powerful variation. We’ve never challenged the bond before, but now I have a mind to. Do you want to test what those differences mean?”
“Good, you will run out your time, and the rings will return to us. Then we are done. Your family’s time is up. You can no longer hold us.”
“We still have time. Six more months. Anything can happen in six months.”
“You will be sorry your ancestors ever came across us. That is a promise.”
“No, get away from me.”
I don’t so much as pause to think of who might see me or what is happening. I flash from Candido’s office to where I sense Ray in the blink of an eye.
* * *
Walking into my bedroom,I look around and frown. This has been like my prison for thirty years. Anger rises as it dawns on me that my gut feeling has always been right.
This was never for my safety. There is so much more going on here. I grab my duffel bag from the closet, shaking my head. I’ve used this thing maybe a handful of times in my life. Every time was on trips with my father to Italy. Even then, he wouldn’t allow me out of his sight, or I was locked down with bodyguards.
“It’s not right. What he has done is wrong,”Venus speaks up.
“I know,”I think sadly.
“We need to find out why. I don’t like this. You’re not safe. The more I think about it, the more I know you’re not safe.”
“I will talk to Kendrick when we return home.”
I startle when strong arms wrap around my waist. I know right away it isn’t Kendrick. The hum on my skin isn’t there. Lips press against my bare shoulder and my skin begins to crawl.
“You’ve never dressed like this for me. Who is he? What is he? Did you see that thing with his eyes?”
I shrug to get Angelo off me. Turning quickly, I push at his chest to gain some space. He doesn’t budge.
“Can you step back?” I hiss.
“I’m your fiancé,” Angelo bites out.
“No, you’re not. So keep your hands off me.”
“You allowed him to hang all over you. I’ve never so much as got a chance to touch you before tonight.”
“I wonder why?” I mutter to myself.
This guy has always given off creep vibes. First time we met, he looked at me like he was undressing me while standing right in front of my father. I hadn’t even known his name yet and he looked like he wanted to eat me.
Placing a hand on my waist, he tugs me into him. I push his chest and squirm to get out of his hold. He tightens his hold, trapping my arms against my chest in a crossed position.
I can feel Venus’s anger rising. She begins to push to come forward. I don’t know what she will do, so I fight to maintain control.